Slip Out Of Control-27

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"Off With Your Heads!"


" Urrrgh... Not again. I didn't even have time to finish my spell!" The battle between the houswarden and A-Deuce lasted as long as expected. Not even 10 seconds. The students around them glanced at them with now hopeless eyes.

Embarrassing af. I'd kms if I was you.

"He shut us down like it was nothing..." Deuce clawed at his collar, trying to get the feeling off of someone choking him.

"Expected." Riddle's magic is activated as long as he says those 4 little words. The other didn't stand a chance, only way would've been if the red-head's mouth was taped shut.

"Visualization is key to spell casting. The better you are at accurately visualizing your magic's effects, the stronger and more precise it will be." Y/n almost forgot the headmage next to her. His posture not once wavering while watching the boys. "It would appear Mr. Rosehearts has finely honed his magic."

"Myah... They didn't even stand a chance."

"Hmph. You didn't even last 5 seconds. That was all you had and still you thought to challenge me? You must be utterly humiliated. I guess my mother was right. A man who cannot follow rules is a man who cannot achieve anything." Riddle glared down at the duo. His gaze calm and collected with a hint of dissapointment.

"Tch... We agree that rules should be followed. But forcing others to follow nonsensical rules like the ones you've enacted is tyranny!" Deuce' fists tightened, his voice getting louder as the words he spit out echoed through the air.

"Then you agree that breaking rules is wrong. And in this dorm, I AM the rules. Therefore, those who cannot abide by my decision deserve not the heads they use to complain!" Riddle's face started to turn red, his yelling affected those around him aswell. And then there was Y/n, debating if she should say anthing in this situation or leave it be.

"But it's not right. Don't you see how that this is not the right way? They are afraid of you. It's not disciplining if it's fueled by fear." The words blurred out of Y/n's mouth. Cater turned around with wide eyes, not wanting Y/n to hear any harsh words of Riddle about her again. Though he couldn't do anything as the houswarden looked already stood in front of her, his gaze not telling any emotion whatsoever.

Then suddenly a loud slap was heard.

It got even quieter than before. The people only stared with wide eyes at the scene in front of them. A girl with a now red cheek and her head turned to the side stood there.

That was the last straw.


Ace walked over to Riddle, his hands practically bleeding to the point it dripped to the ground. His eyes boring a hole through everyone that stood in his way. His fist collided with the back of the red-head's skull. A loud crack could be heard as blood gushed out of Riddle's nose and mouth.


"What the fuck is wrong with you? I can't even put my thoughts into words with how much you piss me off right now. How fucking dare you slap Y/n."

It wasn't only Ace that neared their ends. There were Cater and Deuce that had that same crazed look as Ace. It took them all a moment to register what happened in mere seconds.

Cater's vision blurred the more he looked at Y/n's red stained face. Never has he thought Riddle would ever hit a woman. Especially a woman like Y/n, an innocent woman. He had no right to slap her, what is going on with him?

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now