A Child's Experience-29

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It all happened so fast, a second ago she was still running at Riddle with all her might and now she stood in front of him. The Riddle she knew. Where was she? And why does her head hurt so much?

He got me good, huh?

The place where the two of them stood was unfamiliar, it was all so black and lifeless. Then the scenery suddenly changed. It was an all too familiar room. Riddle's room.

As Y/n took the room and its colours in, a memory she thought she lost came back. It was that dream with Riddle's past. And that's why she couldn't be mad at him, though she doesn't agree with his mindset of rules.


"That day, I saw an unfamiliar girl standing in the middle of my room." Small Riddle sat at his desk, working on exercises his mother brought for him. His face seemed cold and distant.

The scenery changed to Y/n and Riddle hugging each other, while the child cried in her arms.

"Her arms were warm and welcoming. I have no idea why mother couldn't see her, but for once in my life I had felt true kindness." His eyes wandered to Y/n's form that was still rooted in place. His eyes became gentle and soft, tears were ready to drip down his cheeks. "And that girl... was you."

Y/n's mind was a mess, she screamed at herself to snap out of whatever she was trapped in - to just walk over to Riddle and hug him.


As the child cried in Y/n's arms she suddenly dissapeared and left the small Riddle alone in his room again. His tears not once stopped falling.

"Hello...? Are you still here? I-I don't wanna be alone. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell! Please come back!"

Y/n watched as the child called out to her once sitting form. The way he begged for her to come back, to stay by his side, for at least 5 more minutes. It hurt. Y/n went through this too. All of her friends - or whatever they were - left her behind, talked shit about her. The only that was left was being bullied, it almost happened, but she just punched them bloody and left them to rot on the ground.


"After that, she dissapeared. I never saw her- ... you again. But then you appeared at the ceremony. Even though I wanted to be near you, I had to keep up my facade and follow the rules like I was taught. You have to know, I didn't mean to slap you! Don't be mad, please!" His demeanor changed and for a split moment Y/n could see the child she once held in her arms.

I have no idea how I changed his past, but if it made him feel better, I guess it's okay.

As she set her first steps towards his form she looked down into his eyes. A gentle smile was plastered on her face. "I'm not mad, I never was. Though, I'd still like to know just how... You know."


That being said the scenery changed once again to an older kid version of Riddle. A cake was placed in front of him as he sat in his chair at the table. His mother - which looked the same as Y/n remembers - watched her son closely. Riddle looked rather sad than happy, the dissapointment on his face couldn't be overlooked.

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle. This year's birthday cake is a low-sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function." The description of the mealw as detailed and... boring that Y/n felt like baking him a cake herself. She looked stoic even at such an important moment.

"Thank you. But, Mom... Just once, I'd like to try one of those tarts covered with bright-red strawberries..." A birthday only happens 1 time in a year so he should be allowed to at least get what he wants this one time. Riddle's mom looked more than shocked. Such filth is probably not allowed in this house.

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now