Anger Issues-7

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Who the heck does he think he is?

If Y/n wasn't angry enough before, she definitely was now. If someone thinks they have the need to laugh at her again, or at Grim, they can fuck off. She isn't tolerating this one more time. She didn't do anything wrong and Grim also. He was just curious. So why the actual fuck was Ace laughing now?

"Pff... Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The one summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't even use magic and the monster no one summoned at all.", Ace said while chuckling between his sentences. Even though Ace was laughing now, he could clearly see veins popping up on your face and hands. You were furious and he caused it. He didn't know what you were about to do, but you're just a magicless nobody, so who cares, right? "It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!"

Grim also didn't like the fact Ace was laughing at them. They didn't do anything wrong. "H-hey! You don't gotta be a jerk about it!"

"So in the end, neither of you got admitted and now you're janitors? Ah ha ha! So lame-" Right as Ace was about to finish his sentence, Y/n grabbed him by his collar and pulled him to her face. Ace could now clearly see how angry she had gotten. He had a very bad feeling.

Said girl stared with a look straight out of hell into his eyes. "If you think I'm just gonna listen to your shit, you're dead wrong. Who the fuck do you think you are to make fun if us, you worthless scum? Listen. If I see you laughing at any of us again, I will have your head. Do you get that in your thick scull?" Y/n spoke with venom laced in her voice. Ace definitely got her words and tried to back up as much as possible, which was a bit hard considering said girl was around his height and suddenly got ten times stronger.

When the girl was still her worlds she was the one who started screaming and cussing if someone was saying bad things about her or her friends. She had a bad temperament and her friends tried to calm her down as much as possible. If she was angry, furious at that, they couldn't do anything about it and had to watch. Y/n always had those anger issues, even if she tried to ban them. They sometimes helped, like in this situation.


Y/n still held Ace' collar and she didn't plan on removing her hands. Ace however had other plans as he took out his pen and shot a spell at the girls stomach. Y/n instantly let go of the boy's collar and flew back at least 5 meter. Her  stomach hurt and she held it in pain. She could also taste something metallic. It was blood. She bit her lip as she got shot back with a spell. It wasn't internal bleeding or something like that. She was pretty sure Ace wouldn't dare to hurt someone that much.

that's it

Grim came to her side put his paws onto her stomach. He looked worried about his human and wasn't trying to hide it. He wasn't sure what spell Ace used that caused her to bleed. He got up and took some steps towards the orange-head, also holding a furious look. Not even he would use a spell on someone like that, so what is up with this dude. "Hey! Are you dumb or somethin'?! Do you see her?! She is bleeding because of you, are not even gonna take responsibility? Myaaaah!" Grim spit fire at Ace that got surprised and jumped out of the way.

"Grim... It's alright, I just bit my lip." She was feeling dizzy and she didn't want a fight to break out.

"It's not my fault she didn't let go at once." Ace didn't want to cause her pain, he just wanted to shock her a bit so she would let go. Not once has he hurt someone like that and he was surely gonna get expelled for that. But it was just his first day, no way they would expel someone like that.

Grim shot another one of his fireballs at Ace and got repelled by wind magic. This time however, Ace was sure he was gonna get expelled. The Queen of Hearts's statue was in flames. A part of her burned down. Meanwhile, you could just stare at everything that was happening. You couldn't move cause of the pain in your stomach. "Oh no! Now the Queen od Hearts's statue looks like it's been flame-broiled!"

"That's your fault for tryin' to divert it! You shoulda just let it burn you to a crsip!" The raccoon pointed its paw at Ace, accusing him of their mistake.

"Who in their right mind would ever do that?!"

Crowley's voice was suddenly heard from another direction. Some students even followed to see what's got the headmage so angered. "What is going on here? Cease this at once!"

"Yoo... The Queen of Hearts' s statue looks a bit... burned. And is that the girl at the ground?"

"Damn, look at that."

"Is she hurt? Should I take her to the infirmary?"

The bird of course heard their comments and just now notices the girl on the ground. He walking over to her almost immediately. Weirdly enough he didn't look at the burned statue. (Before any of you say anything I'm trying to make this a father-daughter relationship💀) He kneeled down to her level and checked on her consciousness. "Y/n, can you hear me?", he snipped his fingers in front of her eyes, watching as she slightly flinched. Sighing in relief he stood up again and only now turned to the two idiots that had caused all this. "Just what do you think are you doing?! Can't you see what your carelessness caused?" Crowley took out his "whip" and swung it at them.


"Myah!! And I'm still sore from yesterday, too!"

"Did I not just warn you, "no more incidents"? And now you've not only charred one of my statues, but hurt Y/n in the process! It's almost as if you WANT to be expelled!" Crowley was angered, mostly for someone causing you pain like that. He will have to take you to infirmary once he is done with the other two. Ace and Grim looked down at the floor in shame. "This will not do. And you!", Crowley pointed his index finger at Ace. "State your name and grade."

The orange-head didn't dare look up and he could feel the other students gazes. "Ace Trappola... Freshman."

"A freshman? And he caused that at his first day?"

"I wouldn't want to be him rn. Who knows what the headmage is gonna do to him..."

All sorts of comments streamed into Ace' ears, but he couldn't do anything.

"Then listen well, Trappola. You too, Grim. As punishment for today's infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows! I should make you do more for causing pain to a student, but I will try to let it slide, Trappola." You couldn't see Crowley's glare because of the mask, but he didn't take this lighthearted. As Grim and Ace were arguing in the back, the bird once more kneeled down to your level. He picked you up bridal style and carried you away from the other two. Students, that saw you in his arms and the bl0od that ran down your chin, looked at you in worry. Some even requested to come with the crow, but he ignored them.


■1326 words■

I have absolutely no idea how tf this chapter turned out like that. Like literally. But I haven't seen this in any other book so why not.

Ace is dead. He is practically laying on the floor in a pool of his own bl0od. He deserves it tbh.

Hahaha I just starved myself for the last two days. Haven't eaten anything except 4 eggs. I don't know why I'm so stubborn. But ngl I'm pretty sick of food... But it's also unhealthy so... scheiße.

Anygays, how u guys doing?

As today is the last day of 2023 I wanna wish you all a good new year. May all your wishes (except death) come true🥰

I don't want to believe 2023 is already over, like I'm still stuck in 2022.

btw maybe I won't upload for a week or so, cuz my calendar is pretty full. I will also upload less (once or twice a week)  since school is starting in a week.

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