Ghosts And Janitors-5

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Yep. Not surprised.

Grim heard the laughter and came to check what's causing all the ruckus. "Hey, keep it down over-" He halted his words and suddenly began screaming. "AAAAAAH! GHOST! GHOOOOOSTS!"

Why does he sound like a little girl screaming for her doll?

"Grim, calm down! They are just ghosts!", said the girl while sweat ran down her neck. You thought she was all chill 'bout that? Nah. She almost screamed, but her ego wouldn't let her. And she would be called weak all over again (even though Grim is screaming).

There were three ghosts in total. One rather skinny, if you can call ghosts that, the other two were on the... firmer side. But that's not important right now.

"All the people who used ta live here got scared of us and ran away.", ghost B said. Until Y/n knows their names she is gonna call them 'A', 'B' and 'C'.

Haha, wonder why.

"We just want a new ghost to play with! What do you say, buddy?" Ghost C came near Y/n's face so she backed up some steps.

Grim's fur stood on all edges, shivers ran down his spine and he let out a scream. "Eeeeeep!" Only now did he realise the girl didn't even look scared. It annoyed him. So decided to act brave and put on a fake grin. Didn't help cuz his fur was still standing up. "I'm a master sorcerer! I ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts!" Familiar blue flames suddenly appeared out of Grim's mouth. "Myahaaa!" The girl quickly jumped to the side before the fire hit her. Again.

Is he fr spitting fire with his eyes closed? What kinda drugs did he take?

"First of all, how can you hit a ghost?! And secondly, how can you hit a ghost wiTH YOUR FUCKING EYES CLOSED?! GRIM!" Y/n was everything but calm. Who can aim at something with their eyes closed?

"SHADDUP! I know what I'm doing!", he said while setting everything but the ghosts on fire. He once more opened his mouth to spit fire.

The ghosts laughed at his miserable aim. "Nuh-uh. Not even close!" Ghost A and C were mocking Grim. "Over here! Over here! Ah ha ha ha!"

"Grim!" The girl ran to his side and whispered something into his ear. "Alright? Just trust me."

Grim let out a grunt and nodded unwillingly. "Tsk. Fine. Just this one time! I'm Grim, Master Sorcerer!" He stepped forward, breathed in and let out a wave of fire at the ghosts.

"To your right!" The girl gave him directions of the ghost whereabouts, since Grim still had his eyes closed.

"Aaaaah! It buuuurns!" Grim successfully hit ghost A that was now screaming in agony.

I thought ghosts were transparent-

"Ha! Got one! Keep it up just like that and let's clear out the whole lot of'em!" Grim was ready to fight while you still stood next to him in thought of how Grim can hit the ghosts.

This whole thing took about 15 minutes with your directions. The ghosts were persistent, so was Grim. But it finally ended as the ghosts retreated into the walls.

"H-huh? Did we... win?", he huffed from the workout and the use of his fire.

The girl clapped her hands and gave him a thumbs-up. "Yep. Good job, raccoon."

Grim turned around and gave her a glare. "I AM NO RACCOON, YOU LOUSY HUMAN!"




"Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner." It was Crowley who luckily interrupted their argument before anything worse could happen. He still looked at you who was raising your fist, ready to hit the animal. "Did I interrupt something? Wait, no- That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!"

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now