Red Roses-16

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Soon enough they arrived at Hall of Mirrors and followed Ace and Deuce to their dorm. Considering it's based of the Queen of Heart's it equally has a castle, a pathway leading to the entrance, surrounded by rose bushes. It looked much better than Ramshackle.

"Dang, this place is swank! This is nothing like our dumpster of a dorm." Y/n had to agree on that. A rose maze was also there. Though as she looked around the place she noticed many paint buckets and paint on the grass. Some roses were red and some of them were white. A person with light orange hair put back into a short ponytail, stood in front of a rose bush. Except his hair and back there wasn't much to see, since, well, his back was turned to them. It seems though he was... painting the white roses? Y/n walked closer to the male who was talking to himself. (relatable)

"Aww yeah, I'm getting my paint on!" Grim, Ace and Deuce also noticed the male and decided to join Y/n. "They all gotta be red, or it's "off with my head"!"

The Heartslabyul houswarden and the Queen of Heart's have many connections. The only difference now is that it's not literally off with their head.

Y/n tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. His face was now visible. He had beautiful green eyes and a red marking shaped like a diamond on his cheek. The visible confusion was soon replaced by a sly smile.

"My, I recognize you. But who wouldn't recognize the only woman in our school. Hey cutie, let's take a pic, gonna post it on Magicam, you have no problem with that, yeah?" Y/n couldn't even process what happened when he already took a picture of them together. An arm wrapped around her shouler so she was practically leaning on his chest. His smile only widening while the girl just stared in shock. "Thanks. Your name?"

"Uh... Y/n."

"Aaaand uploaded. Sweet, we look like a couple." As the boy was admiring the picture, Ace nearly jumped on him if Deuce didn't hold him back. "So, what brings you here?"

Y/n snapped out of her trance and put on a neutral look. "We just got some time to kill and decided to look around the dorms."

"And what are you doing?", Ace asked the other orange head.

"Are you blind? I'm painting these roses red, duh." Y/n had to admit, he acted like F/n, which didn't make it better. She also reacted like that the first time they met. Extroverts will be extroverts.

"What? Why?!"

"Ah ha ha! So naïve, you put the "n" in newb." And as if a light bulb switched on a lazy grin stretched itself across his face. "Hold the phone, I know you! You're the ones who broke a billion-thaumark chandelier and nearly got expelled for it, yeah?"

You would be a dissapointment if you didn't know your own dorm mates.

"That chandelier is gonna haunt us till the day we graduate, isn't it?", Ace asked with a deadpan.

"And you! You're the one who ate the houswarden's tart! You guys are THE hot topic around campus! I've gotta get it on this fleeting fame. I'm just gonna grab a selfie real quick..." With that, the male took out his phone again and posed next to them. "It's cool if I post this on Magicam, right? Gimme your names so I can tag you."

"I'm Deuce Spade."


"And I'm Grim."

"Uploaded! Sweet. Oh, I'm Cater Diamond, by the way. I'm a junior here at Heartslabyul. But Cater is fine. Or Cay-Cay if you're cray-cray! Soooo nice to meetcha." He seems... nice. A bit loud but nice. I guess.


"Ah, now I remember, you're also the prefect of that so-called Ramshackle House dorm, right? Like, I can't belive you actually live there! It's all gloomy and looks like hot garbage on Magicam. No filter could salvage THAT dump."

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