A Duel With Idiots-26

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"Ah... I believe I understand the situation. You are resistant to the idea of apologizing, but unable to devise any other method to get the houswarden to remove the collar." The freshmen, Trey and Crowley were still in the library, talking about the recent events with Riddle.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"I see. If you and the houswarden are truly unable to reconcile, you could always transfer. I'm sure Y/n here wouldn't have anything against that." As always Crowley spoke things out loud she sure as hell didn't want to happen. Imagine Ace living with her and Grim in the same dorm. Waking up with someone like him and going to bed with someone like him. Nuh-uh. "However, this is the dorm that the Dark Mirror chose for you based on essence of your being." Ah, yes. Y/n could remember that damn mirror clear as day and how it insulted her will to live. "Any attempt of relocate would would necessitate quite a burdensome process, as well as a new ritual."

"A transfer, huh...? That'd make me feel like I was running with away with my tail between my legs."

"Hmm. Then it sounds like you should challenge Mr. Rosehearts for leadership of the dorm." It was silent for a moment until that silence was broken by three shocked screams of disbelief.


"Lower your voices! This is a library!"

"But what you said was... insane!" Y/n only stared in confusion. A duel? Between Riddle and Ace? Did that make sense? Ace would lose the second it started. What is he supposed to do against Riddle's magic?

Clown. I'll get the makeup.

"There is nothing remotely "insane" about it. After all, that's how Mr. Rosehearts got the position." Ah, so even the last houswarden lost against Riddle. Though his magic is not a direct attack it hurts more than anything else. Imagine having the feeling of getting your head cut off while you're conscious.

"What exactly is the process by which houswardens are selected in Night Raven College?"

"Trey said Riddle became houswarden within his first week as a student here."

"There are several ways. You could be appointed by the previous houswarden, for example, or duel the current warden and win. A duel is certainly one of the simpler methods." Yeah, if the houswarden is weak, can't be said about Riddle.

"But isn't fighting with magic against the rules?"

"In general, yes. A duel initiated through a formal procedure and conducted in the presence of the headmage is another matter entirely." Though Crowley said that it didn't make it any less challenging. It was clear that Ace would lose, but not because his magic is useless but because he wouldn't even have time to react for a spell.

"I'm pretty sure the duel rules don't allow for preemptively handicapping your opponent... So this could be a way to force Riddle to remove your collar without apologizing. That said..." Trey also didn't look all too convinced with the idea of a duel.

"The right to challenge a houswarden is bestowed upon all students when enrolling at Night Raven. So what do you say Mr. Trappola? Will you challenge Mr. Rosehearts?" Ace had that calm determined look on his face. It didn't sit right with Y/n.

"Sure, I'll give it a shot!"

"Wow, wow. Pause. Think about it Ace, that's Riddle you're gonna challenge. Do you really think you have a chance? I just want you to think about it all over again." It was like an instinct. Y/n didn't Ace walking over there with confidence only to realize he didn't have a chance since the beginning.

"Y/n, I don't know what you think of me. But I can't sit back and do nothing while Riddle plays a petty tyrant who thinks he's tough shit." Y/n's brows furrowed. "Don't worry, I've got this. Not like I would lose before I can cast a powerful spell, right?" Ace' smirk widened and so raised his confidence. The girl wasn't convinced tho, but who is she to stop him from his own mistakes.

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