Dorm Introduction-18

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"Mrrah! I've had it with these boring classes!" Grim tried to wiggle out of Y/n's hold as she catched the raccoon before he could escape.

"Didn't you make enough trouble already? How tf do you still have the energy to complain? And I'm hungry. You don't wanna see me hungry, believe me, bad things happen.", she said blankly, which sent Grim a shudder down his back.

"Whatever. I'd rather eat than listen to you complain, so let's go already!"

"Wooo! Lunchtime at last!" Grim's demeanor changed and he looked around the cafeteria. Drool ran down his mouth and landed on the girl's shoulder, to which she made a gag noise. "Whoa! They got some good-lookin' grub!"

"Fuck I'm hungry." Y/n grabbed some food and put it on a tray while Grim pointed at the things he wanted.

"Look how fluffy those omelets are! Ooh, grilled chicken! And a bacon-and-egg tart!" Students from all dorms looked weirdly at the first years with the monster. Ace immediately jumped into the conversation and shushed Grim.

"Shhh! Dude, inside voices! Where was this energy earlier today?"

"Y/n, grab me the grilled chicken! There's only one left!" He pointed at the grilled chicken, but noticed her not making a move. "Come on, Y/n!"

"Only if you share with me. I want that chicken too."

Grim looked between her and the chicken and nodded in defeat since he really wanted it. "Fine! But take it! And an omelet too. And that jelly-filled bread! Just fill your whole tray with'em!" From all the food Y/n didn't notice her bumping into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're goin'! M-my carbonara! You broke the yolk!"

"Whoa, that's messed up! Pokin' the egg is the best part! You better mame this right- uh..."

"Did you say something?"


Yeah, it was Y/n glaring at their asses, ready start to a war. Now they're gonna see a hungry Y/n's wrath. The glare she sent their way was enough to shut them up.

"I'm hungry, you see. So I don't think I want to be stopped from eating, cuz of your sorry asses. Excuse me, but I really don't want to start a scene and break your bones. So fuck off."

The three delinquents gulped and ran off with their trays. The boys next to Y/n on the other hand almost trembled.

"She wasn't kidding with the hungry side..."

"Why would you think she jokes about hunger?"

"Oh, fuck off."

The girl than put on a smile and walked to an empty table. The others joining her, although keeping their distance.

"Here, Grim." She shoved the monster's food all the way in front of him. He wasted no time and began eating like a beast.

"This omelet is as fluffy as a cloud and practically burstin' with cheese!" While all of them ate their lunch in peace, Grim still had some questions regarding the other dorms. "So, I saw your guy's dorm, but what are the other ones like?"

"I'm sure you're familiar with the staties of the Great Seven? Night Raven College has a dorm themed after each one." The junior from Heartslabyul, Cater, joined their conversation and wasted no time to sit between Ace and Y/n, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulder as she carelessly ate her meal.

"You're that guy from this morning! And couldn't you have sat somewhere else? Do you always have to ruin my moments?", Ace asked. The last part only for Cater to hear. The other male ignoring him with a grin which caused an irk mark to appear on Ace' face.

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now