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"Rough past, huh?"

After the fight with the Heartslabyul residents Y/n and Deuce were ready to get back to the others. It was time tho that the navy haired male talked about his past in detail. Otherwise Y/n can't help him overcome his fear.

"If I'm being honest... No. It was definitely harder for my mother. You see, when I was in middle school, I was pretty wild. I cut school all the time and got into fights. I called teachers names, hung out with bullies, bleached my hair... I blasted around tight curves on my Magic Wheel... I'd show off my magic to kids who couldn't use it yet... I was a total punk." Y/n did notice faint traits of that attitude on him, but it was definitely different when he told her his story. It made her want to keep him between her arms and fight his fears to keep him safe. "But one night, I saw my mom talking on the phone to my grandma. She was trying to hide from me, but I saw her and I could tell she was in tears. She was saying how she must have been a horrible mom and that maybe she never should have tried to raise me by herself." Deuce hands clenched into fists. "That had nothin' to do with it! She hadn't done anything wrong. It was all me. When the carriage came to take me to Night Raven College,  she was so happy for me. I decided then and there that this time, I wouldn't do anything to make her cry. This time, I'd become an honor student - someone she could be proud of." Tears were forming in his cyan coloured eyes once again. "And I already messed it up!"

Ah... That's it. Trying to make the person you love proud. Wish I had the chance to do that.

"But it's the past, isn't it?"

"Eh? Uhm... Yeah."

"You aren't the same as before. And everyone gets angry sometimes. This situation wasn't different, even though I wish it had been. I believe an honor student makes sure everyone around them feels safe and is doing everything they can to help others. Don't let assholes lke them or grades pull you into the darkness. You don't belong down there, I'd miss your smile." It was kind of awkward for Y/n to say things like that, she wasn't the most comforting person, but she tries. And it helped since Deuce' tears weren't visible anymore.

I'd kiss him if it wasn't so awkward rn.

"Thanks, Y/n. I'm happy we got to meet." His smile returned and this time brighter than ever. It's the little moments that were precious for a person, you don't need new clothes or shoes to feel true happiness. Something about situations like this makes life special.

"Since we got that out of the way, what about the eggs? Trey needs them, right?" Only now did they notice the eggs were still missing.

Deuce closed his eyes with a frown. "I will pray for the chicks to get reborn again..." Y/n gave him the biggest side eye ever. She thought it once and she'll think it again, his IQ can't be that low.

"You do know those chicks would have never hatched, right?" She sweatdropped as Deuce' eyes widened. 

"Wha-WHAAAAT?! Are you kidding me?!"

"Ah, you're finally back! Took ya long enough." Ace, Grim and Trey were patiently waiting for the duo to get back. Not one of them knew what happened tho.

I'll make sure those bastards get thrown out of Night Raven.

"Let's get this tart-y started!" Trey was a bit too enthusiastic and that... was lame af.

I cringed. Help.

"Okay, now we just sprinkle on a little powdered sugar and..."

"Finished!" Ace and Grim said at the same time.

"Fin... ished..." Deuce sat there on the ground, still shocked of the truth behind grocery eggs.

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now