Chapter 52

326 28 1


Amelia Hazel Smith
Sunday, September 1,2024
Bull Bay Ochi Rhio


" Why u face look so mami," Jay asked, rubbing my feet.

Looking over at him, I roll my eyes

"Miserable so," he continued

"Mek you nuh avoid me," I stated, irritated by his presence.

Grabbing the plate filled with melon slices covered in blackpepper, salt n sugar.

All u muss have running a belly

Closing my eyes, I welcomed the sweet/sour taste of the fruit

Finally mih can relax


" Bomboclaaat," a male voice sounded with footsteps running along.

Echoes of Liyah cries fill my ears, jumping up to my feet without thinking . I rush towards the sound, feeling dizzy. I stop to cause my breath, bracing myself against the wall.

"Wah do r," Jay asked, holding her.

"She drop out a the couch," Traquie (Stacy Son ) said, rubbing his forehead.

" Kmt," Jay said, exiting the room with Liyah crying in his arms.

"A the damn tablet man, from him mother leff him nuh wa listen when me talk, bay back chat," Mama shouted from the kitchen.

Traquie rises from the chair, hiss his teeth, and exits the room.

But watch Yah to rass

This generation a children big uf

" Sometimes you chat too much," Traquie said, walking towards the main door.

" Cuh u to, mih and u nah tan inna yah eno that's why mih breed from mih young nuh wah nuh pickney a stress mih out inna mih old days, mih nuh business weh u ago go but u nah stay here," Mama shouted walk out of the kitchen.

"A wah happen now," Jay asked, confusion and curiosity written over his face.

" Stomping pass him Traq exit the house, bringing his football along.

" But a weh dah little pissy tail body yah think him ago," Mama said, tracing after him.

Munching on my watermelon, I exit the house behind Jay

" Aye bowy come back inna the yard," Mama said, walking towards him with a wooden spoon in her hand.

The lady was upset and tired, eno

Using her hand, Mama draped his shirt,pulling him up from the ground where he was tying his shoe lace.

"You think mih n u a size big man," Mama bellowed.

Passersby stops to look at the commotion, surprised at her shouting since she is always quiet.

" leggo mih shirt," Traq shouted drape my grandmother.

Walking off towards them, Jay remove hi hand from his mother blouse and instructed his mother to let him go.

" Big man a mih n u a talk now, go in go pack u bag u a fawud wid me," Jay said in a no-nonsense tone which sent chills down my spine.

" Lord me a beg you cover him lord, cause this yah gingeration yah too big , help him, and tek control," Mama said, holding her hand to the sky with tears streaming down on her face.

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