Leaving and Coming Back

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Chapter 14

Emmi's pov

I packed all my stuff. Then I said goodbye to everyone.

"Um what orphanage?" Shawn asked.

"Pennsylvania orphanage for girls and boys." the man said.

"What!?" we all said.

"You can't do that! Then Maya can't visit me and I need Maya!" I said.

He shrugged, "The only way she'll see you is if she drives." he said.

"I'm 14!" she said. He rolled his eyes and then we left. Goodbye life as I know it for a month.


When we got there I wanted to run. It was like the ones in Annie. He brought me up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Oh hello!" the lady said.

"You must be the little girl who's staying with us for awhile. I'm Ms. Danielle!" she said.

"I'm Emmi." I said quietly. She let me in and showed me my room that I shared.

"Ok so you have a few chores here. There's vacuuming and dusting." she said. I nodded and then she let me get started.

Maya's pov

"PENNSYLVANIA!" I screamed once they left.

"Maya calm down." Mr. Matthews told me.

"Oh never tell me to calm down." I said walking towards him. He backed away with his hands up in surrender.

"How can they do this!?" I asked pacing.

"How can they take her away!?" I asked.

"I promised to visit her and make sure she's ok and now I can't!" I said.

"I'm the worst sister in the world." I said as I flopped on the couch face first.

"Maya no you're not!" Riley said.

"Yes I am." I mumbled.

"Alright kid. You and me. Come on." Shawn said.

"I don't want to. I want to lay here and mope." I said. I grabs my foot and drags me off the couch.

"Ugh fine." I said as I stood up.

At Topanga's

"Alright. None of this is your fault. Nothing. There was nothing any of us could've done. And if we tried, she'd be with Kermit. Trust me, letting her go is the right thing to do for now. Soon we'll have a plan and she'll be back here before you know it." Shawn said.

I sighed and nodded, "Then why do I feel like it's my fault?" I asked.

"Because of that promise. You said you'd protect her. And now that she's not by you, you can't protect her." he said.

I sighed, "Ok. I'll try to make it through this month." I said. He nodded and we left.

Emmi's pov

I hate it here. I have no friends and everyone hates me because I have a family.

"You're just using us like a hotel!" some kid said.

"What no I'm not!" I shot back.

"Yeah you are! You're staying here for awhile, then leaving!" another kid said.

"I have no choice! I just turned 6! It's not up to me! It's up to the judge!" I said.

"Whatever loser. This month is going to be the worst month of your life!" someone said.

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