Girl Meets Yearbook!

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Chapter 27

Emmi's pov

Auggie and I were in class playing with the toys.

"Ok class! I tallied up the votes!" the teacher said. We had all voted for the person who would be mostly likely to...

The teacher was reading off.

"Auggie is most likely to be president!" the teacher said. We all clapped.

"Emmi is most likely to not say no!" she said. Everyone clapped again, but I didn't. I felt a sinking feeling in me. So everyone just thinks I can't say no? Well that's going to change!


"Why was I voted the person to not say no? I'm not that nice!" I told Auggie.

"Can I have your dessert?" he asked.

"Yeah sure." I said. I really wanted that!

"That's why!" he said. I pouted and crossed my arms.

After School

Emmi's House

"Auggie can I really not say no?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yep." he said.

"I knew it! This isn't fair! Everyone gets cool things, then there's me. That's it! I'm not going to be that girl anymore! I'm changing!" I said.

"Emmi you can't just change!" he said.

"Watch me." I said. I walked upstairs and grabbed my black boots. Then I walked into my room and grabbed Maya's clothes. Well her old ones. I threw them on, then walked downstairs. I looked like Maya!

"Emmi what did you do?" Auggie asked.

"Sup." I said.

"Go change!" he said.

"You wish." I said. He grabbed my wrist and we walked out.


Auggie's pov

We walked into the bakery and saw Maya, mom, Ms. Katy, and Riley!? Wow she looks different!

"We have a problem!" I said. They looked over and saw Emmi.

"No!" Maya whined. "First Farkle, then Riley, now Emmi!?" she complained.

"She's mad cause everyone says she can't say no." I explained.

"Emmi go change." Maya said.

"No." she said. They both had a staring contest.

"Auggie you fix her. I have to fix Riley and Farkle." she said. I nodded and started planning.

Emmi's pov

"My new name is Jessica James: The Rebel!" I told Donnie Barns: Regular Guy and Morotia M. Black.

"Nice." Donnie said. I'm gone, and I'm never coming back!

Auggie's pov

It's been 3 days! And I can't fix Emmi! I walked into Topanga's and saw Riley fixed, Maya fixed, and now Farkle sort of fixed.

"I can't do it!" I said as I sat down by Riley.

"What?" she asked.

"She's gone! Everyone better like Jessica James:The Rebel. Cause Emmi's gone!" I said. Maya and Riley looked at each other and smiled.

Riley's pov

We were at my house fixing Maya up.

"Ok remember, you pulled me off. Now do Emmi." I said. Her hair was in two braids with a pink shirt and blue skirt.

"Sugar! And sugar! And sugar!" she said. I nodded impressed.

"I want to play with makeup! This isn't fair!" she whined. I looked at Farkle and Lucas.

"She's ready." we said.

Emmi's pov

I was putting on makeup and Riley, Farkle, Lucas, and...Maya!?

"What the?" I asked.

"Emmi this is you in Maya's pov!" Farkle said.

"Yeah I'm gone." I said.

"Everythings going to be perfect!" Maya said. I rolled my eyes.

"Because you believe that..." Maya finished. I turned around and sat on the bed with her.

"Because you believe that no matter what people think, you should be yourself. And you also believe that you should always be happy. And that you'll be ok, we'll all be ok." she said. I sat there shocked.

"That was what I thought. I'm done with Emmi. I don't want people thinking that I'm too nice!" I said.

"But that's what makes you you. That's what we love about you." Riley said.

"And that you're always happy." Farkle said.

"And that you helped all of us." Lucas said.

"But mostly me. Emmi you changed me when you came. I don't want you to change." Maya said. I smiled and took out the bow in Maya's hair. Then I put it in mine.

"Ok. I won't change. I like me for me." I said and Maya and I hugged. I'm back!

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