Adopt Me? Part 4

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Chapter 43

Lucas' pov

About 10 minutes later there was pounding on the door. Farkle got it and it was Riley and her family. They came in and Maya was asleep.

"How is she?" Riley asked.

"She fell asleep." I said.

"What happened?" Mr. Matthews asked. I explained everything that Maya had told me.

"SHAWNEE! IS HE OK?" Mr. Matthews screamed. Maya jumped up.

"What the heck?" she asked.

"Maya!" Riley cheered and they hugged.

"Are you alright?" Mrs. Matthews asked.

"Yeah I'm fine now. But I'm not sure what is going on at home." she said.

"I'm going over." Mr. Matthews announced and grabbed the keys. Mrs. Matthews passed sleeping Auggie to Riley and grabbed Mr. Matthews arm.

"Are you insane?" she asked.

"I need to make sure everything's ok. And if it's not I call the police." he said.

"I'm going with you." she said.

"Please, stay here with the kids. Plus if you go and we need a lawyer or something you can't get the case." he said.

"Fine, but if you're not back in an hour I'm going over." she said. He nodded and they kissed.

Shawn's pov

"Alright. I don't want any trouble. Just leave." I said.

"Not without my daughter." he said.

"Not happening." I said.

"Yes it is." he said.

"Why can't you just leave?" I asked getting annoyed, "Your daughter doesn't want to go with you."

"Well tough luck cause I have custody, and you don't." he said. Then Cory came in.

"Cory!?" I asked.

"Yeah, just saw Maya and she said she was getting on the train with Amanda and Emmi to Pennsylvania." he said.

"Why would you tell us that!?" I yelled at him angrily.

"See ya in Pennsylvania." Amanda's dad said and ran out.

"Not on my watch!" I said and started running to the door. Cory stopped me and held me back. What the heck is he doing!?

"What are you doing!?" I asked. He looked out the door and Amanda's dad was out of sight. He smiled.

"They aren't in Pennsylvania." he smiled. I caught on and we hugged.

"That was amazing!" Katy cheered and I hugged her.

"Ok, so we have time to fill out adoption papers now." I said. She nodded and we got working on them. I can't believe that worked!  

A/N: The question still hasn't been answered! Will they adopt Amanda!?

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