#8 Lucky Kiss?

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Annabeth kisses Percy before he fights the Minotaur, instead of just saying she might. Short one shot, may turn into a story of you guys like it! It would be an entire redo of the Last Olympian following the kiss. Rachel didn't kiss him, btw.

"Don't I get a kiss for luck? It's kinda tradition, right?"

Annabeth was more than surprised. She was shocked, blushing a bright red. Percy looked serious, his sea-green eyes filled with hesitation and slight hope. She didn't think he liked her, but as she stared at him with wide eyes, she realized that maybe she was wrong.

The air around them was filled with fighting and blood, monster dust and arrows whizzing past their ears. Percy realized his mistake as she flushed, he assumed, with anger. He had ruined their friendship because he was too fast, he had admitted to liking her before he even knew wether she liked him back. But at the moment all he could think of was kissing her again, like before, under Mt St Helens. He wanted to kiss her, which was strange since he'd really never felt such strong feelings for anyone. He'd never wanted to kiss his best friend so much. Sure he'd thought about it, I mean, she was really pretty. Beautiful was a better description.

They stood in silence and Percy braced himself for the punch, but instead, he felt something much different. She grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him over a few steps. Of course, this was probably to be able to punch him easier with more force, and to keep him from running when she actually hit him. He closed his eyes and braced himself.

After that his brain pretty much shut off and all he could think for the first few moments he actually had some brain activity was Oh my gods I'm kissing Annabeth. I'm kissing a girl. Wow, I didn't think that'd work. Then he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his brain melting straight through his head, or so it felt. He remembered this feeling from his first kiss, which was from Annabeth of course.

Annabeth was feeling much the same, except her brain didn't shut down, it quickened. She could analyze everything around her with exact detail because of the hormones rushing through her body. She could probably recite Pride and Prejudice without batting an eye. She had felt this before, during her first kiss. Which of course was with Percy. She knew the exact position they were standing, his arms around her waist and one of her hands with a fistful of his camp shirt from under his armor, her other hand rested on his shoulder.

Annabeth pulled away much too soon for Percy's taste, but he knew he had to fight. She was going to head off with the rest of the group. She depended on him keeping all the uglies from reaching them, and he sure wasn't going to let her down. He was going slice and dice through every single monster, then Kronos for good measure, so that she'd be safe. It was like a creature had settled in his chest, flipped a switch and suddenly Percy felt like he needed to protect her, though he knew she didn't need protecting. He once heard Paul talk about it. Instinct, he'd called it. Instinct to protect what you love most. His mom had laughed and jokingly named it 'The Alpha Male Property' then walked away. Percy didn't give much thought to it, other than wondering if he'd feel that one day. He didn't know Annabeth would be the cause of it.

They were completely silent as Percy tried, and failed, to remember his name. Then she looked up at him.

"See ya, Seaweed Brain. Come back to me in one piece and I can promise more." Then she turned and ran. Percy felt like he'd stumble and fall if he tried to walk, but he still managed to turn. His face was plastered with a huge, idiotic grin. But he felt as though that may be fine.

"Get ready to die, demons!" He whispered, charging into the enemy line.

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