#11 A Date

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Percy and Annabeth go on that date in The Battle of the Labyrinth. Very slightly OOC Percy, but it's just because he isn't as oblivious to his feelings. And I think Self-conscious!Percy Confident!Annabeth fanfictions are adorable.

Percy paced in his room. The light from his open window shined onto his floor, making the carpet warm under his bare feet. He had just gotten back from orientation, since apparently some kids went missing and they had to close down early.

As soon as he had gotten home, he'd taken a shower, grimacing at his lanky figure, and tried to find a decent shirt to wear. He didn't know why he was so nervous. It was only Annabeth.

Annabeth was his best friend, daughter of Athena, and his Wise Girl. She had honey blonde hair, though it had turned into a slightly more lemony color as she aged, and a petite, but athletic, build. Don't let that fool you, she was as vicious as a rattlesnake. Her grey eyes made it seem like she could stare straight through your soul. One look from her and you might as well be a puddle on the floor.

Percy had to admit, though his pride was slightly wounded, he thought she was pretty, once or twice. Very pretty. More than twice. Many, many times. Hey, who could blame him?

Pretty enough that Percy had gone back home and showered before meeting up with her. They were supposed to go see a movie, then she was going to crash at his place before they left for Camp Half-Blood the next day, since she very well couldn't have gone home to San Fransisco or Camp at, like, 6:00. There would be too many monsters out by then, attracted by her scent and the looming darkness. Yup, Percy wasn't about to let her do that.

He had just gotten out of the shower, wearing a pair of jeans and his undershirt. He had already picked out the pants before he'd showered. Glancing at the clouds that hovered above the skyline, he ran his fingers through his hair.

His stomach had erupted into a nervous mess, tossing his breakfast around and threatening to embarrass him with nausea. He figured it was because of his... Itsy bitsy... Teeny tiny... crush on Annabeth.

He was panicking slightly. Was this casual enough to wear a tee shirt? He glanced at his noodle arms. They were slightly more defined than before, from sword practice, but he was still the small, lanky, lovesick boy from the year before. He wondered if the three inches he had grown over the time he'd been away from Annabeth had made up for his shortness. You see, for years she was always taller than him, teasing him about it continuously. He swore that one day he'd tease her for being short.

Percy brought his mind back to the present and grabbed a shirt. It was white, with small blue waves around it. Yeah, that's a no-go. He wasn't about to embarrass himself with wearing that thing. He looked back at his drawer. Should he wear, like, a flannel? He pulled at his black hair.

"Hey, you ready to-" Paul stopped short, glancing at the boy in front of him who might be having a panic attack. "Are you okay, Perce?" He asked. Percy nodded, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah, I just... Don't know what to wear..." He sounded so girly. Percy mentally slapped himself on the head. But to his surprise, Paul smiled, coming to stand beside his stepson.

"First date. I understand, it's a pretty big deal. You have every right to be nervous." Paul assured the boy. Percy's eyes widened.

"It's not a date!" He spluttered, the tips of his ears going red at the prospect. Paul grinned.

"Just put on a long sleeved shirt so your mom won't worry. You don't have to dress up for a movie." Then he left the shocked Son of Poseidon alone. Percy slowly turned, grabbing a long sleeved grey shirt with the two buttons at the top.

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