#22 A Game Night to Remember

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After the war, Leo isn't with Calypso yet, and the Seven is traveling about. Percy and Annabeth aren't together yet. Sorry the first half is terrible, I was sick whilst writing it.

It was rainy out, which was absolutely perfect. The hull of the Argo II creaked as its aerial oars sliced through the frigid air, moving them along towards Romania. Annabeth sat on the couch in the 'recreation' room, Percy leaning on the back of the couch. Even though she clearly wasn't paying attention, he kept trying to tease her as she read.

Piper was relaxing with Jason on the deck of the ship, their heads pressed against the cool railing, laughing at who-knows-what, Jason willing the wind to prevent them from getting soaked. And a few feet away, Hazel and Frank watched the sky from the shelter of the stairway, their backs against the threshold of the door and their legs overlapping.

They could hear Leo bumbling about, talking to Festus happily as he pressed buttons and turned on Auto Pilot, slamming open the door to the outside.

"Okay, crew!" He shouts over the wind, his hair blowing into his eyes, which were flaming with excitement, "Are you ready to have the time of your lives?"

Jason raised his eyebrows towards the boy, shaking his head, "What are you doing now, Leo?"

"It's game night!" Leo exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. Frank and Hazel exchanged nervous glances. "I brought the Pocky!" He reached into his tool-belt, pulling out the chocolate candy.

"I don't trust you, Repair Boy. How do we know that doesn't have motor oil on it?" Piper teased, standing from her spot on the deck. Leo rolled his eyes, then wiped the box of treats on his shirt, making his way towards the stairway.

"Flaming hot Mcshizzle, coming through!" Leo warned as he vaulted over Frank and Hazel's legs. The two of them squealed slightly, scrambling up.

"Fish Boy and Brain Woman, it's game night!" Leo exclaimed, barreling down the stairs and into the Rec Room. Percy sat up, looking over the couch as Annabeth placed her book on the coffee table.

"What are you talking about, Valdez?" Percy asked, watching as Leo crossed the room towards a large wooden box, lifting its lid and digging through it. Just then, the rest of the seven paraded down the stairs, all of them looking equally as confused.

"I don't remember us assigning game night." Hazel pointed out, sitting down on one of the armchairs with Frank the Pug curled up on the floor. Piper and Jason shared the other armchair.

"That's because we didn't. But I just did!" Leo walked into the middle of the room, dumping his armful of board games onto the table. Chess, Scrabble, Life (The Game), and Monopoly scattered onto the table. Along with a lone pack of Pocky.

"What's the Pocky for?" Frank asked, pointing to the box. Leo beamed.

"Friendship test, of course." Piper and Jason groaned, sending exasperated looks towards their friend.

"How does that work?" Hazel asked.

"Here," Leo yanked Piper up from her seat, she huffed, "What you do is, put the Pocky in between you," He put the end of the candy between his lips, and Piper rolled her eyes before participating, "And whoever blushes first loses!"

They stood there for a while, just staring. Until Piper fluttered her eyelids and did the weird 'Aphrodite magic' thing. Leo backed away, glaring.

"Not fair."

"It is so far. You're the one that volunteered me as tribute."

"Whatever," He said, holding out the box of Pocky, "Who's next?" No one offered, instead a deep silence enveloping them.

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