Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge Day 2

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Day 2 of the PJO 30 Day Challenge.

Least Favorite PJO book?

Probably The Titans Curse, to be honest. It was written amazingly of course, and had a good plot, but Annabeth wasn't there half the time so it was lacking.

The Titans Curse One Shot.
Thalia speaks to the Seven about the early Percabeth days, specifically Percy when Annabeth was missing.

Thalia was relaxing in the amphitheater with the rest of the crew, laying on her stomach across the stone seats. It was hot outside, but not so that it was unbearable.

Frank, Hazel, Leo, Piper, and Jason were there, sprawled across the various seats. It was pretty much the whole crew of the Argo II besides Percy and Annabeth. Nico could be considered a part of the crew, not the Seven though, but he was off with Will somewhere.

"How long have you been going to camp?" Piper asked, clearly wanting to spark a conversation with her boyfriend's sister. Thalia glanced up at the girl, shrugging.

"Eh, not that long. Unless you count the years I spent as a tree." She replied, scratching the back of her neck. She was trying an undercut, but wasn't sure she really liked it. She had red highlights, however, which was a plus.

"You must've known Annabeth and Percy a while, then." Hazel noted, leaning her head on Frank's shoulder. He paused in polishing his war helmet so that he could lay his head on hers.

Thalia snorted, "Yup. Well, I've known Annabeth since she was just a teeny little smart a-" Jason sent Thalia a look, but his sister just stuck her tongue out at him and looked back to Hazel, "She was seven when we found her." Thalia elaborated, "Freaking adorable as well. She almost mauled Luke with a hammer." She laughed. Leo snorted.

"Sounds like Annabeth. Minus the adorable part, she's just plain scary." He shivered. Hazel rolled her eyes at him while Thalia raised an eyebrow.

"Annabeth? Annabeth Chase? Scary?" Thalia choked back laughter, "I'm sorry. She can be intimidating at first, sure, but when you get to know her she's about as scary as a teddy bear." Leo looked shocked.

"Really? Are we talking about the same Annabeth?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know that many Annabeths, hard-head." Thalia retorted, sitting up and leaning her back against the stone seat behind her.

"You said found her." Frank noted, putting the helmet on ground and leaning over slightly so his arm was behind Hazel.

"Yeah," Thalia replied in a 'duh' tone, "How do you think she got to camp so young?"

"How did you know she was a demigod?" Hazel asked. Thalia shifted into a more comfortable position.

"Other than the fact that she lunged at us from a dark alley and tried to murder us with a hammer? She was screaming about monsters. We barely got her to calm down."

"Why was she in a dark alley?" Jason asked, shocked. Thalia looked down, tracing her fingers across the stone.

"She never told me why, but she ran away at seven. She was smart enough to know that her parents didn't want her, so she left." There was silence for a good three minutes. Around them were sounds of people playing volleyball and chatting with the Hunters who were visiting.

"When did you meet Percy?" Piper asked, hoping to change the subject. Thalia accepted the change and rolled her eyes at the thought of how she first met him.

"I'd been a tree for, like, six years by now. He and Annabeth had retrieved the Golden Fleece-" She held up her hand, "Long story, and it healed the tree as well as me. Annabeth was sitting there when I woke up and I remember being so shocked. She'd been like a sister to me, and her she was, thirteen years old and screaming that I wasn't real." Thalia smiled at the memory as everyone else exchanged sad glances. The Annabeth they knew was very different. They'd never really seen her breakdown.

"Anyway," Thalia sighed, "Percy ran up the hill, apparently he'd been told something was wrong with her and he was worried, he was pale as a sheet I remember. He just looked dumbfounded when he saw that I was alive, the scrawny thing." Thalia laughed, "I knew after just five minutes of talking to him that he was a good guy. I had to make sure, of course, it was clear that he liked Annabeth." Thalia scrunched up her nose, "They would not stop flirting. They bickered like a married couple." She rolled her eyes.

"That young, huh?" Jason smiled slightly. Thalia nodded.

"Yup. I didn't realize that he had actually fallen for her until that winter..." She trailed off, picking at her nails, her voice turned small, "Annabeth was kidnapped and no one could find her. He was out of his mind with worry, wouldn't talk to anyone. I think he would've gone insane if there wasn't a chance for a quest to find Lady Artemis. The Hunters agreed they'd look for Annabeth, but refused to have a boy on the quest." She snorted, "Like that stopped him. He snuck out of camp with his pegasus, Blackjack, and trailed the van all of us were in. We didn't even realize he had tagged along until it was too late to turn back." Piper had a small smile and Hazel awed, Jason chuckling slightly.

"That's the ladies man!" Leo yelled. Thalia rolled her eyes.

"Ladies man? Percy? Gods, no. He was head over heels at fourteen." Thalia laughed, "Annabeth is the smartest person I know and she was oblivious to that fact. Really, I think she liked him too, but didn't realize it." Thalia smiled, rolling her eyes, "Ugh, this sounds like a sappy love story. It wasn't. They were still at each other's throats every single day, wouldn't stop arguing." She shook her head, "Guess it's the whole Athena-Poseidon rivalry thing. I have no idea how they got past that, but I'm kind of glad."

"Why?" Frank was so into the story, his eyes were wide and he was leaning as close as he could to hear every word.

"We found Annabeth but... She was never really the same. The only person she acted relatively normal with was Percy." Thalia's eyes were sad, "Luke... He made her hold up the sky. Bait for Artemis. I couldn't believe... He loved Annabeth to death, thought she was the cutest thing in the world. I couldn't believe how much he'd changed. He betrayed her, and she built walls around herself and wouldn't let anyone in. Even Percy had a hard time getting to her." Thalia looked out towards the sea, knowing that Percy and Annabeth were probably at the beach or at the bottom of the canoe lake, "I guess she still has those walls around her."

There was an unbroken silence as everyone took in that information, all of them busying themselves with something. Finally, Thalia stood and stretched.

"I'm going to go talk to some of the Hunters really quick. It was nice talking to you all." She waved, walking away before anyone could respond. On that day, everyone's hearts were heavy. Everyone except for Percy and Annabeth, who were indeed relaxing at the bottom of the lake, completely oblivious to the conversation their friends had.

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