#10 The Super Sized McShizzel Returns

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Leo happily guided Festus through the air, glancing at the sleeping Calypso in his arms. He was on his way back, and in a little less than five minutes he would see his friends again. He hoped he hadn't been gone too long, I mean, he had to take a month to repair Festus and Calypso wanted to see Rome again.

He spiraled down, reveling in the sounds of the camp. It was after lunch, but he could see plenty of people milling around. There were actually quite a few kids as well.

He landed on the beach, startling a small four year old. Since when did toddlers come to camp? He hopped off, leaving Calypso to get some rest. She'd stayed up long enough that week trying to help him fix up Festus, she needed some sleep.

Leo practically skipped towards the pavilion, almost plowing straight into a black haired boy who looked about twelve. The kid turned around, examining Leo with startling grey eyes.

"Who're you?" He asked, crossing his arms. Leo couldn't help but notice that the kid looked familiar.

"Leo Valdez." Leo replied, he thought his friends would know about him, tell the new kids about him. But his name seemed to startle the young boy.

"Like the hero my buddy is named after?" He asked, looking slightly to the left. "I'm Lucas Beck, nice to meet you." The young boy's attitude changed immediately.

"Wait, someone named their kid after me? Awesome! And Beck? That's a strange last name." Leo shook the boy's hand, though feeling slightly silly doing it.

"It's not my last name. I'm named after two of the strongest heroes of Olympus, Luke Castellan and Charles Beckandorf. My last name is actually-"

"Lukey?" A voice called out. The boy in front of Leo went silent and faced a girl around his age, maybe slightly younger, with blonde hair and strange changing eyes. Leo figured she must be Piper's sister. The girl ran over and kissed Luke's cheek, making him blush.

"This is my girlfriend, Lucia."

"Lucy," She snapped back, giving him a look and making him roll his eyes. "Don't know why my dad insisted on a Roman name, my mom just wanted to name me Rose but dad insisted it had to be meaningful." That sounded like another couple Leo knew... Wait... He glanced at the two's eyes. Grey and multicolored.

"What is your last names?" He grabbed their shoulders, making them jerk backwards. They exchanged glances.

"Hey, bud, what's going on?" Leo heard Percy say from behind him, he almost turned in relief, thinking the boy was talking to him. But Percy walked past him and patted Luke's shoulder.

"Nothing dad, this dude says he's Leo Valdez." Percy chuckled and looked up at Leo, then froze.

"Leo..." He whispered. Then his face went strict and he started walking forward and flicked Leo's forehead like he was a misbehaving dog.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You missed my wedding! I sent you an invite?" Percy looked like he was about to laugh. He hugged Leo. "Annabeth!" He shouted afterwards, making Leo's eardrums burst.

"What, Kelp Face?" Leo heard Annabeth shout back from far away. Leo could see Annabeth make her way over.

"I have a surprise!" Percy yelled back giddily. He shoved Leo behind a column. She walked up to him and put her hands on her hips.

"Last time there was a surprise I was slapped by a dolphin." She said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I don't hit girls, and I'm not a dolphin, so I think you're safe." Leo grinned. Annabeth did the unthinkable. She hugged him. Leo didn't think she was capable! Well, she slapped him afterwards.

"What were you thinking?" Annabeth asked. Yeah, she was still just as scary. Leo held his cheek.

"Well, uh, not much. I was dead for a bit. Why'd you slap me?"

"Because Piper can't, she can barely reach over her stomach to hug someone."

"Wow, I knew she liked the cornucopia but..." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"She's pregnant, again. Twins," she smiled sweetly at Percy. "I don't know about you, but I believe two is enough for me." She ruffled Luke's hair. Percy pouted.

"We still haven't named one Nemo..."

"Shut up, two is enough."

"Fine... Percy Jr?"


Well, at least they were pretty much the same. He glanced around the area, spotting what must have been Percy and Annabeth's daughter, building a sandcastle (which was like 10 feet tall by the way) She had blonde hair, but Leo couldn't see her eyes.

Then he saw several other kids. One with brown hair, watering the grass around the Demeter cabin while glancing around and placing stink bombs on the perimeter (definitely one of the Stoll's kids) and a small five or so year old when tan skin and dark hair pushing around a ten year old and acting tough. A small satyr pranced around the area, curly brown hair covering his horns as he planted flowers.

Then Leo caught a glimpse of his two best friends as they ran to see him. Well, Piper was waddling, as she apparently was really pregnant.

They both hugged him, as well as they could because Annabeth was right, Piper was huge. And didn't let go for about ten minutes.

Yeah, Leo figured it was a pretty good reunion.

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