Gone... (Part 1)

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If Annabeth had been stabbed w/ the poisoned knife in a more fatal place. Part 1 of 2.

Percy sat completely still for once in his life, his arms wrapped around his knees, his armor hanging off of him loosely because he couldn't bother to tighten it. He knew he was needed out in battle, but he had to wait. He was distracted at the moment. Distracted with worry that weighed down on his chest.

Annabeth had been stabbed earlier that day, right in the side. At first, Percy payed no mind to it besides a few minutes of anxiety. Annabeth was strong.

Then, he got the call from Will Solace. Annabeth was dying. The knife she had taken for him was poisoned, and it was killing her. Percy left the battle immediately and demanded to see her. Will wouldn't let him in, instead saying that she had more of a chance to survive if there was no one loitering around as the Apollo campers tried to heal her.

The door opened to the room Annabeth was in and Will walked out, looking around as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. He spotted Percy next to the door. And Percy knew the look in his eyes.

"Percy... We tried..." Will kneeled next to the boy, looking down at his hands. They were tinted red.

"She's not dead." Percy said, shaking his head. Will looked up. "I would've known."

"She's dying, Percy. And quickly." Will added the last part, "You don't... It's not..." He squeezed his eyes shut, "Percy, it's not a good idea to go in there. Seeing someone you... Love... Dying." Will balled his hands into fists.

Percy ignored him, walking past him and into the room Annabeth was in. She lay on s futon, her face paler than he'd ever seen it, her eyes closed and you could see the veins crossing down her eyelids. He slowly walked forward, trying to keep his eyes away from the wound on her side.

"Annabeth?" The door closed behind him and he suspected that Will was giving him some privacy. Annabeth didn't respond, so he slowly took her hand that dangled off of the couch. He kneeled next to her, watching as she breathed ever so slightly in her sleep, "Annabeth, you have to wake up, okay?" He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. She still said nothing.

"Annabeth, we need you. I need you. Please." Moisture was gathering in his eyes and his voice was raw with emotion, "Just open your eyes, please. I know you'll call me a cry baby, a wimp, but that's what I am. Please." Annabeth still didn't wake up, so he put his hand against the side of her face. She was burning up with fever, probably from how much nectar they'd given her.

"Please... Wake up... Okay?" Percy cleared his throat, "You were right. I'm a coward... I didn't tell you how I felt, and I'm so sorry." He closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks heavily, "But I'll say it now... I promise you..."

He looked up to see whether she was awake yet, then continued, "Please... I love you, Annabeth. I love you so freaking much..." He was shaking now, disbelief over taking his system. Annabeth was still and silent, not saying anything.

"I love you, please. Please come back to me. Please." Percy wiped his eyes and when he looked up, Annabeth's eyes were open too.

"Annabeth?" He asked, looking her straight in the eyes. Annabeth blinked, her chest rattling as she struggled to breathe.

"Hurts..." She said hoarsely. Percy felt a stab of guilt. Here he was, feeling sorry for himself and begging her to come back, but she was in more pain than he was.

"I know, Wise Girl. You have to fight through it." Percy said quietly, reaching up to cradle her face then pulling back, blushing slightly, "Sorry." He said.

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