#13 Between You and Me

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Percy laid silently on his bed, willing sleep to come. It didn't. He had just finished his watch, and collapsed on his bed, exhausted. But words kept playing in his head and they followed him, keeping him awake.

What if she didn't come back? What if tomorrow is the last day I'll see her?

Annabeth was going to follow the Mark of Athena the next day, probably leading to her death. That scared him out of his wits. He'd spent most of his life with her, but had never really appreciated that. He could have mere hours with her, and here he is, laying in bed because he's scared of a goat.

Percy stands, trudging to his door in green pajama pants and a blue tee shirt. He probably looked like he'd crawled through a haystack, but he didn't have much time to think about it.

Her cabin was two doors away, and since Jason was on watch, he didn't exactly tiptoe towards it. He knocked, waiting for the door to open.

Soon enough, it did, and Annabeth stood in the doorway, looking slightly confused.

"What're you doing here?" She asked, stepping back slightly. Percy walked in, glancing around her neat room, lit by a single lamp on her desk. Papers were strewn across it's surface.

"Couldn't sleep." He explained, trying for a silly smile, but only getting a sad, sleepy one. Annabeth nodded, going back to sit on her desk. Percy sat on the side of her bed, glancing around at the maps and notes pasted to the walls.

"I couldn't either. You know, I've been planning and such." She waved a hand towards the pile of papers on her desk. "Figured I might as well have some idea what I'm getting myself into." She rolled a pencil around on the desk, not really paying attention.

Percy sighed, resting his elbows on his knees as they sat in silence. Finally, Percy couldn't take it any more.

"You're not going to die." He said firmly, his voice slightly coarse from exhaustion. Annabeth only glanced up for a second, then went back to staring at her notes. "Right?"

"I... I don't know Percy. How am I any better than the thousands of my siblings before me?" She looked up at him, but he didn't answer immediately, but instead rubbed his hands together nervously.

"Because you have me to come back to." He decided, looking back towards her. She didn't respond, just kept pushing the pencil along her papers. When she glanced towards him, she saw a look she hadn't seen since he was twelve. Utter desperation.

"Yeah." She agreed with a smile, hoping to lift his spirits. Percy frowned, standing and walking over to her. He put his hands at either side of her so she was forced to look at him.

"Promise you will come back?" He asked. Annabeth again didn't respond for a moment.

"You know I can't promise that..." She replied, staring at her hands. Percy sighed.

"For me?" He asked, his voice reminding her of when they were fourteen and he begged her to help him with homework. She knew he was doing his 'wounded baby seal' face, so she didn't glance up.

"Fine..." He smiled, holding out his pinky. "Gods, you're so immature." Annabeth laughed, locking her finger with his. One small connection while the world fell apart around them.

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