Look... (Percy Jackson One Shot)

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Percy Jackson One Shot (Not specifically Percabeth but mentions it)

Percy walked the streets of New York silently, heading towards his little sister's school to pick her up. His mother had apologized so many times because she was sending him, she knew what he'd recently been through, but it wasn't her fault.

Jason had died the week before, meaning that the last of the Seven was dead. Besides Percy of course.

Leo had been first, really since he was the first death they'd found out of, sacrificing himself to defeat Gaea. Then it was Hazel, who died in the battle itself. She had fought hard and taken down many monsters, but just like everyone else, exhaustion brought her down. Frank left soon after her, finding out of her death and burning his life stick out of grief.

Then Annabeth. She was killed by a crowd of very very angry Romans. They blamed her the most for New Rome blowing up, especially since Octavian had put the bounty on her head. They would have gone after Leo, if he wasn't already gone. Annabeth took down ten of them before she was overrun 30 to 1.

That was it. The war was over. Percy, Jason, and Piper were the only ones alive. Jason and Piper were good friends, giving him support when his world had been swept from under his feet. They didn't hold him accountable for the deaths that had come over them, instead had helped him through a very hard time. Honestly? If not for them, Percy would have killed himself the day he found out Annabeth was dead.

But good things never stay. Piper and Jason were in a horrible car accident and it killed Piper on impact, since she'd been the driver. Jason had survived with minor injuries, but he was never able to ride in a car again. It made him freak.

Him and Percy were close, and Jason finally understood how Percy had felt the past year. It wasn't easy losing someone you would give your life for in a blink of an eye. Percy was never able to return to camp. There were too many memories of her there. Even walking down the street and remembering how Annabeth used to point out every single little design flaw on buildings made him anxious and depressed. And Jason never went back to Rome. He never watched any movies for fear Tristan McLean would be in them. And he was never able to go near camp or even take the bus. For both of them, losing the most important people in their lives, it was like the sun never shined again.

Jason died soon after Piper from a monster attack. It was five years after the war.

And there was Percy. He stayed locked in his room, away from everyone else. He had a therapist, but it was no good. Percy couldn't open up to the man who wore business suits and sat behind a mahogany desk typing on a computer that probably cost more than Percy's apartment.

Percy entered the school, making his way to the office where he was supposed to pick his sister up after her extra curricular. "Sir? Are you hear to pick up Diana Blowfis?" A lady asked and Percy turned, nodding slowly. "Well, she's in detention right now. She'll be out in around fifteen minutes."

Typical. Percy nodded again, exiting the office and going where ever his feet took him. He looked at the crayon drawing taped against the walls and got a vivid image of Hazel, who had become somewhat of a little sister to him. He closed his eyes, trying to stop any black outs that may come with him remembering. Frank's face came into his mind, smiling. Then he saw Leo, laughing at one of his jokes.

And Annabeth. A few days after he'd gotten up the courage to ask her out, and she was sitting with him under water, listening to him stutter out words with a small smirk on her face.

And Piper, holding back laughter. And Jason, adjusting his glasses nervously. And it replayed over and over, the blonde girl he'd known since he was twelve being most common because gods of Olympus he missed her so much.

"Hello?" A voice said from beside him. A man's voice that Percy didn't recognize. Percy turned, looking at the dude who stood there. He had black hair that was gray around the edges, and it was cut short. His face looked kind, and he seemed concerned, "You look like you're about to fall back to Mother Earth, are you okay?" The man placed a hand on Percy's shoulder. He wore a green blazer and a blue button up underneath. He had laugh lines and blue eyes.

"Who're you?" Percy asked drowsily, the flashbacks slowing. But Annabeth's voice punctuated every second, but he could never get her out of his head, so that wasn't any different.

"My name is Rick. Many call me a "Bringer of Tests" or "Homework Warden" but I prefer the term English teacher." Rick smiled, "Do you need to go to the nurse's office?"

"No!" Percy shook his head, pushing himself off of the wall he'd been leaning on. Rick was the same height as him when Percy was fully standing, so that was good. He didn't have to feel like a little teenager again.

"Why don't you come into my classroom and sit, you look the color of seaweed." Rick slowly brought his hands to his sides, making sure Percy wouldn't fall.

You're an idiot, Seaweed Brain.

Percy nodded, shaking her voice out of his head when Rick turned to open the door to his classroom. He stepped through the doorway.

He was actually surprised. He was expecting a bland room full of desks like he had at his old high school, but it wasn't like that at all. There were masks and posters hanging on the walls, play weapons crossing over each other as if in battle. He saw posters of Hades and Hera, of Poseidon and Athena, of almost every God or goddess. He was surprised to see all of this.

"Ah, I study Greek Mythology in my free time." Rick waved his hand at the walls, "My students like me to use them as examples in sentences and whatnot." He smiled, "It's kind of funny, you know, to say the name of someone from mythology and to see them spin in their seats to search for who I'm talking about."

Percy looked up at the poster, cringing at how his father was dressed in a toga that showed a little too much leg.

"Sit." Rick waved his hand to a seat at the front of the class. He sat himself on a swirly chair at the front of the room.

They started talking until eventually the conversation turned to Greek Mythology. Rick looked at him strangely as he talked. "You know a lot about Greek Mythology, don't you?" He remarked, leaning back in his chair. Percy paused.


"And I think I know why." After just a few minutes of speaking, Rick had figured it out. Percy was a demigod, "Why don't you tell me your story. I'm all ears." Rick reached back and wiggled his ears, making Percy laugh for the first time since Annabeth had died.

Then, like a dam losing all of its water, Percy told his story.

"Look, I didn't want to be a demigod..."

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