Back to the Beginning (Part One)

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Second part will be posted on ImaginePercabeth's fandom one shot book sooner or later. #WritersUnite

"You did it!" Grover practically screamed in my ear, wrapping me in a giant hug. I grinned and hugged him back, elated by my accomplishment. Which was a pretty big one. It isn't every day that a demigod defeats Kronos.

"Nice job, Percy." Thalia patted my arm, giving me a small smile. I smiled back, taking a deep breath.

I couldn't wait to tell Annabeth, who had been helping the fighting downstairs in order to give us time. I hoped she had gotten through the battle okay, of course, but it didn't really cross my joyous mind that she might've not.

But, what did cross my mind was that everything was finally over. I could be a teenager. I could fess up to a certain someone, cough cough Wise Girl cough cough, about something, cough cough I like her a lot cough cough, I could go home over the winter and not have to worry about being dragged back to camp for a war. I could have a semi-normal life, as much of a normal life as any demigod could have.

I was going to tell my mom I loved her, I was going to be there for her and Paul, I was going to hang out with my friends, and maybe even a kiss that that certain someone promised which seemed like an adequate prize for my accomplishment.

Then I was attacked with hugs from the Stoll brothers. I was so joyous, I didn't even push them away out of manly embarrassment.

"Nice job!" Travis said, clapping my back.

"Thanks!" I said, looking around. Annabeth should be coming back up here any time.

"Yeah! That was pretty awesome!" Connor exclaimed.

"Wallet." I narrowed my eyes at him. He pouted before handing my wallet back hesitantly.

"Where's Annabeth?" I asked, slipping my wallet back into my pocket. Travis shrugged.

"She was downstairs after the fight was over." He said, talking over the hustle and bustle around us, "But, why do you want to know?" He was smirking.

"Because," I shrugged, my cheeks slightly red.

"Because he wants some smooches!" Connor laughed. Actually, my cheeks were more than just slightly red. I could have passed as a fire hydrant.

"Shut up!" I glared at both of them before turning, their guffawing rising over the sound around me. I made my way to where the gods were taking their seats on their thrones, and wrung my hands nervously.

I think you know what happens after that.

My mom was waiting for me downstairs. Her hair was in a messy pony tail, and her eyes were ecstatic.

"Percy!" She pulled me into a hug, "You did it!" She smiled at me softly.

"Yeah, I did." I smiled back, "Hey, where's Paul?"

"Outside," She said. There was something in her eyes that worried me.

"Is he okay?" I asked slowly. She bit her lip.

"He's... Hurt." Her voice quavered.

"Oh gods, mom, I'm sorry." I said softly, wrapping her in another hug.

"He'll be fine... Just, things won't be quite the same anymore." She swallowed, "He... He hasn't woken up yet. They're going to take him to the hospital, so I'll need to go." She looked at me as if wondering if that was okay.

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