Spoon Full of Sugar

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The sunlight filtered through the window in bars, lighting up particles as they floated to the ground. Everything was completely silent.

Percy felt like he hadn't slept at all. His head was pounding, his eyes were heavy, and he felt like a bag of sand, unable to move. He found he couldn't breathe through his nose, as it was stuffy, and his throat felt like a cat had raked its claws down it.

He woke up with a groan, throwing his arm over his eyes to block out the sun. He tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry. A knock came at the door and he grunted in response.

"Good morning- Percy? Are you okay?" His mother asked. He groaned. She laid her hand over his forehead and sighed, "You're sick, Percy. You'll have to stay home today-"

"Nooooooooo...." Percy opened his eyes, "I'm supposed to meet Annabeth at the park today... I haven't seen her in weeks..." His girlfriend had just gotten back from Boston a few days before, and she'd been over then, but had to go back to camp to work on the pavilion that the Apollo statue destroyed (Long story) and Sally knew that, but she didn't point it out to him.

"How about I Iris Message her, then? I have some errands I need to run today, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind babysitting you for a few hours."

Percy felt slightly self-conscious about that. He knew he looked like the walking dead when he was sick, and Annabeth had never seen him like that. But then he brushed it away, scolding himself for thinking that Annabeth would see him as any less than his normal self in any situation.

He nodded and his mother smiled, rubbing his arm lovingly, then moving towards the door. "I'd say 'No funny business'" She started, "But I have a feeling that Annabeth would kill you if you even tried to kiss her whilst sick." She laughed, ignoring Percy mocking her, and left the room.


Percy must've doze off and died in his sleep or something. Because, he was pretty sure angels didn't come to earth and sit on the edge of his bed while he was sick.

Well, that was really cheesy...

"Wise Girl." He croaked.

"You look awful." She teased.

"Hello to you too..." He rolled his eyes. Annabeth laughed, then looked him over quickly.

"Sally told me that you're sick today, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Better now that you're here." He grinned.

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain." She scoffed, but still leaned over to hug him. It felt good to have her back in his arms even if it was for just five seconds.

"What did you bring?" Percy gestured to the plastic shopping bag on the floor by his bed. Annabeth grinned and suddenly he didn't want to know what she had gotten.

"They didn't have blue raspberry, but..." She pulled out a bottle of purple liquid, swishing it around in front of him. He couldn't see that well with the pounding headache and the fact that he had just woken up, but he already knew what it was.

"No!" He groaned, sinking into his pillow.

"This is going to be hilarious." She decided, standing up. He caught her wrist quickly, looking up at her.

"Wait, where are you going?" Percy asked. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"To get a medicine cup?" She laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Hurry..." He said as she left, falling back onto the pillow. She took about five minutes to find the cup and bring it back, and by then Percy was already about to doze off again.

"Wake up, Kelpy."

"New nickname."

"No, I just felt like insulting you." She said matter-of-factly. He mimicked her, earning a flick on the forehead like he was a misbehaving puppy.

"You weigh, what 135?" She asked, opening the bottle.

"One does not simply ask a man how much he weighs, Annabeth!" Percy acted appalled.

"You're acting much more chipper than you were when I first got here..." Annabeth said suspiciously. Percy cocked his head to the side.

"I already told you the reason for that." He said. She raised her eyebrows. "Because you're here, Wise Girl." He said, sitting up to wrap his arms around her waist. Annabeth wriggled from his grasp and stood.

"Nuh uh! One hug was enough! I am not going to get sick!" Annabeth glared at him.

"Hey!" He whined, but didn't get up to chase after her. He didn't think he's legs would be able to support his weight. So, he'd just have to make her come to him.

She poured the gross purple liquid into the little cup and handed it to him. He looked straight at it but didn't move to take it.

"You're so difficult..." Annabeth sighed, going to sit beside him. Now, Percy wasn't the best with strategy or plans, but when it came to sneaking around he was just as much an expert as Annabeth. That's why he almost grinned as his plan settled into place.

When she held the cup to his lips, he drank the nasty medicine, but when she moved to take it away, Percy dodged around the cup, putting his hand on the back of her head. He kissed her.

Annabeth jerked back, pushing him away and wiping her mouth, "Percy!" She glared at him.

"Hey," he put his hands up, "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down."

And that was the day Percy Jackson was almost murdered by his girlfriend.

The end.

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