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I Know

Okay, this is kind of Percabeth but really it's just Thalia/Annabeth/Percy BROTP. More on the side of Thalia and Percy's little friendship thing during The Titans Curse. So yeah. I saw a prompt and I got excited so this will probably be terribly written but oh well.

Oh, and the 5th part of Seven Ways to Say Goodbye is coming out tomorrow.

Percy was scared.

For the first time in a long time, he felt helpless. Here on the quest to find Artemis, he wondered why he truly came when it was so desolate. Grover only wanted to talk to him about Pan, Thalia and the rest thought he was annoying, so he was alone. Annabeth wasn't even there. That's what the quest was truly about to him. He had to find her.

So he sat there waiting, leaning his head against the wheel of one of the cars. Thalia and the rest were out hunting breakfast, and for the first time in a while Percy didn't want to move. He tried falling asleep, but it didn't work. He just dreamt about the dance, and how he'd failed Annabeth by not killing the darned beast before it could kidnap her.

He wondered where she was. In his dreams, he saw that she was in some sort of cave, the rocks falling on her shoulders. He wasn't sure why it seemed wrong, though, Annabeth couldn't possibly hold a cave ceiling together for hours on end! Then again, she was Annabeth. She could probably glare at the rocks and they'd retreat.

He made himself smile slightly, thinking of the hilarity of it, but it soon disappeared. He knew that if they didn't hurry, Luke was going to kill Annabeth. That made a spark of fury ignite in his chest and he pushed the car door open, resorting to sitting on the hood with his head against the glass.

The door to the back of the truck peeked open and Percy glanced back, seeing a shape scramble through the opening. Thalia walked over with a hotdog on a plate.

"Breakfast, Fishface. We've been waiting for you." Thalia waved to the door which was ajar, then she narrowed her eyes at him, "You aren't ravenously attacking the plate yet, are you sick?" Percy rolled his eyes and took the plate.

"Thanks." He said, tearing at the bun. Thalia moved to lean on one of the cars. It was dark, but he could still see that she was watching him carefully as he picked at his food.

"It's about her, isn't it?" Thalia asked, her voice actually semi-nice. Percy paused, placing his plate on the hood and glancing towards the Daughter of Zeus.

"Who?" He played dumb, but Thalia saw past it and rolled her eyes.

"You know perfectly well who I am talking about." There was silence, "That's why you came on the quest, right? Not eternal glory, not to save a goddess. No, you aren't interested in that, are you?" Thalia's voice echoed around them. Percy didn't respond, pretending he was chewing when he'd already swallowed.

"She's my best friend." Percy cleared his throat, taking another small bite and dropping the plate on the ground, finished. He had only eaten half of the hotdog, but it felt like a metal rod was piercing his throat at the moment.

"She's my best friend too, I'm not moping around." Thalia pointed out. Percy knew she was right, but didn't let it show. He shrugged.

"She was the only person, besides Grover, that would put up with me." That wasn't true, he had other friends at camp, but he didn't talk to them as much as Annabeth and Grover. In fact, he hadn't spoken to them since before his first quest to be honest.

Thalia wasn't convinced, "Everyone knows you like her. Stop lying to yourself." He hesitated.

"Uh, no. I don't like her." He wouldn't make eye contact.

"Yeah right." Thalia rolled her eyes, then sighed, walking over to lean against the car Percy sat on, "Just answer me this. Swear on the River Styx that you'll answer truthfully and I swear I won't tell anyone.

Percy nodded, slightly confused. There was thunder.

"Do you love her?" Thalia's voice was serious, and Percy bit his tongue.

"I... I don't know... Maybe." He said. Thalia smiled beside him, standing.

"You should ask her out. I have a feeling she likes you too." Honestly, Thalia didn't know whether that was true or not. Ever since she'd been turned back from a tree, she'd been having trouble reading Annabeth's emotions. The girl used to be so trusting, after she got to know you, but now she kept walls around herself. Even around Percy, she was always guarded. But from what she could tell, the girl felt something for Percy Jackson. Whether it hate or what, Thalia didn't know.

Percy didn't reply as Thalia backed away from the cars, instead he fiddled with his Camp necklace and watched his shoes, a glossy look in his eyes that Thalia knew was sadness. Desolation.

"We'll find her, Percy." Thalia said, hoping to lift his mood. He turned around just as she was closing the door, and in the closing bar of light, Thalia saw a stony expression, but also slight hope that glinted in his eyes.

The door shut, and Percy Jackson was cut off from the rest of the world.

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