Getting You Back

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ImaginePercabeth Here's the One Shot you wanted.

It was maybe a week after the second Titan War, and all was pretty much perfect. Percy and Annabeth were closer than ever, Grover was preparing to leave for his dream job of saving the environment, and the camp practically radiated happiness. The only thing? Luke resided in the infirmary, taking up a lot of Annabeth's time. Well, Percy thought it was a lot, it really wasn't.

It just seemed she was always worried, even when she and Percy went to the beach or hung out together. She'd leave every now and again to check on Luke, which was grinding Percy's nerves. Like this time, while they were laying on the beach talking. Annabeth's watch buzzed and she started to get up.

"Sorry, Seaweed Brain. You know how it is." She said, brushing sand off of her camp shirt. Percy pouted, giving her his best 'baby seal' face.

"He doesn't need to be checked up on this much." Percy said quietly, looking out over the sea. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Percy, I did the same thing when you were in the infirmary. With so many Apollo kids dying in the war... They need extra hands." She reminded him, reaching over to mess up his hair. Percy looked up at her.

"I think it's more than that, Annabeth." He said steadily. She pressed her mouth into a thin line.

"He's like a brother to me, Percy. I... told you that." She said slowly. It was Percy's turn to roll his eyes. She squeezed the bridge of her nose with her index and thumb, "Percy, why does it matter so much anyway? I've been hanging out with you a lot. I can't spend every second with you or people will think... Stuff." She turned slightly red, but maybe he was imagining things, "I seriously have to go. See you at the campfire." She left after that, heading towards the infirmary quietly.

Luke had been in a coma ever since Kronos had been forced out of him. He was getting better, but even though Percy knew it was stupid, he kind of hoped he'd stay asleep. For at least a lifetime, as Apollo said was possible. Nothing could heal him except time, and especially not Annabeth's care and attention.

Percy fell back onto the sand, pouting at the sky, and wondering why he didn't just take the immortality. The reason that he denied it was slowly getting farther and farther away from him. And closer to Luke.


It was at the bonfire, Percy's favorite time of the day because Annabeth was allowed to sit with him most of the time (But Chiron, I have post-war anxiety! I can't handle sitting alone!) and because no one came up to him to ask about battle-strategy or some other thing like that. It was also a plus that this was one of the few times Annabeth openly smiled and laughed.

They were in the middle of "One hundred goblets of nectar on the wall" when an Apollo kid sprinted over to Annabeth. He tried to be discreet, but everyone saw the anxiety on his face.

"He's awake." The kid said over the line Thirty-two goblets of nectar on the wall. A couple kids turned in shock if they were able to hear it, but Annabeth had already stood. A sick feeling bubbled in Percy's stomach as the song simmered to just a few oblivious voices.

"Where?" She asked, already making her way to the exit. Goodbye to you too!

"Big House, he's in the living room." The dude backed away so she could get out the door. Percy looked at his s'more, picking at the marshmallow that had started drying on the top of the graham cracker. Everyone's eyes were on him.

Then the song started again, and Percy was forced to sit through another long ten minutes as he waited for an announcement.


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