#12 AU Drabble/Percabeth Wedding Headcannon

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Percy didn't know why he liked her so much.

He liked her more than Rachel, the girl he was expected to be with by everyone in his school. He liked her more than that one girl on TV he always had a crush on.

They'd known each other forever, ever since he'd moved into the neighborhood and she'd thrown a book at him because he ran into her on his skateboard. They were twelve.

He didn't really notice it for a while. They became best friends quickly, both of them not wanting it to go any farther than that. Well, he thought he didn't want it to go further. He knew she didn't, so he shouldn't because he didn't want to ruin what they had.

She didn't go to his school anymore, she had already graduated a year earlier than him. She was leaving for college soon.

Percy flirted around a lot, but not many girls liked him. It wasn't like he was hot or anything, he was just seventeen. Well, he was handsome, but most said he was a total idiot. Also, Rachel had claimed him.

But Annabeth didn't bully him over it. She'd jokingly call him 'Seaweed Brain' and ruffle his hair. He didn't know why, after a day of playing around, he only thought of that at night. The way she looked at him like he was only her best friend, when he looked at her like she was his world. Which she was.

He didn't know why she went out with that jerk. Luke. Everyone knew he was a player. They knew he was abusive. But she didn't. She didn't know because she hadn't been at school.

Percy warned her, but she'd blown up, accusing him of being biased because she was his friend. He'd gotten mad, but was still hurt. She was the smartest girl he knew, yet she couldn't see he loved her?

They didn't talk for a while after that. Percy later regretted it, as both Annabeth and Luke left for college while he struggled through the last leg of High School.

He didn't see her for months, but still thought about her every night. He wondered where she was, what she was doing, if she was still with Luke.

Annabeth came to his graduation, which he was ecstatic to see, but he'd been forced to be with Rachel. He was forced to act like he loved her because there was no reason for him not to. Annabeth wasn't there, so why shouldn't he?

He regretted that as well. Annabeth was still with Luke, and she seemed happy. That was all he needed to see. If she was happy, he was happy.

He broke up with Rachel a few weeks later, admitting he'd never liked her. Rachel agreed, saying that she'd only dated him because she liked another boy.

Percy spoke to Annabeth on the phone a few times, recalling his first few weeks of college she'd stayed silent. She said that he was right. Percy asked what she meant. She had told him.

Percy lived two miles from the college campus, since he still stayed with his mom. He didn't have a car. He ran. He was there in less than ten minutes, knocking on her single dorm room door.

She opened the door apprehensively and he immediately engulfed her in a hug. They stood there for a while before Percy went to wet a rag, and pressed it against the bruise on her head.

Luke had been drunk, and when she refused to make out with him in that state, he'd pulled her out of sight and punched her. She'd gotten away, but still had the bruise.

Percy left after she went to sleep, satisfied that she didn't have a concussion, and hunted the man down. By now it was early in the morning, and Percy caught a hungover Luke on his way to Annabeth's dorm.

Luke was hurt way worse than Annabeth when Percy left. He had a black eye, busted lip, sprained wrist, and his voice was higher than before.

That weekend Annabeth showed up at Percy's dorm, surprising him. She'd blushed and said she was afraid. Percy asked what she was afraid of, and she answered. Percy promised that Luke would never touch her again, and sat silently with her on the couch. Watching Looney Toons until they fell asleep.

After college, Percy and Annabeth still hung out. He didn't notice the way she looked at him, and how it matched perfectly with his own gaze. After a while of dancing around each other, Percy had finally asked her out.

She accepted, smiling shyly as he secretly rejoiced on the inside, but kept a cool exterior.

They had many more dates after that, eventually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. They were inseparable, but also kept their space from each other at the same time.

Percy proposed on their second anniversary while they were watching Looney Toons and drinking hot chocolate. Annabeth thought there had never been a more romantic proposal.

Their wedding was complete with blue lanterns that lit the halls. Everything revolved around the two's relationship. Their friendship being the most important in the mix. Percy insisted on having blue punch, and Annabeth countered with white bouquets.

It was pretty terrific, if Percy had anything to say about it.

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