Thalia and Annabeth (BROTP) (Part 1)

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All I've done on this book is Percabeth, so far, so I decided to make a BROTP one shot about Annabeth and Thalia!

She reminded her so much of Jason, it took a while for Thalia to be able to even look at Annabeth. The brave little girl who would do anything for her friends, who was smart and resourceful, who had run away from an abusive family. It was too insane to hear about. She was even around the age Jason would be.

Annabeth, the seven year old who had survived against countless monsters all by herself. All because she didn't have anyone to rely on for a while. It took ages for Thalia and Luke to stop worrying about the little girl running away while they slept. She'd disappeared several times before, usually coming back with supplies.

"How did you get those?" Luke asked, rummaging through the bag of groceries she'd brought. She'd even gotten ahold of fruits, something that had become so obscenely rare that Thalia couldn't even remember what a grape tasted like.

Annabeth had just looked up with a grin, "People are suckers for crying 'babies'. As far as they know, my parents haven't been feeding me." Sirens filled the calm air, making Thalia and Luke jump. Annabeth merely looked up, "I guess my 'parents' are going to jail. We'd better start moving."

"How do you know all of this stuff? You're like five!" Luke exclaimed. Annabeth just shrugged indifferently.

"How do you think I survived on the streets? That's how you two found me, y'know. I was hiding from the police after a monster attacked me. I was afraid that either the monster or the police would come and get me sooner or later."

She also talked like a professor when she was calm. Thalia noticed this and asked the girl why she had such an expansive vocabulary. Annabeth looked at her strangely.

"I went to school."


Before Thalia met Luke and Annabeth, she wanted to die. But she didn't.

And now, as Luke dragged a struggling, wounded Annabeth towards the Big House, Thalia didn't want to die. She wanted to finish growing up. She wanted to be with Luke forever. And most of all, she wanted to see Annabeth grow up, a privilege that she had been denied with Jason.

Yeah, Thalia used to think of Annabeth as nothing but trouble. But somehow, the little girl had wormed into her heart. And, moments before she died, she thought of Annabeth as her sister. And she thought of how she and Jason would get along. And she thought about the fruits and vegetables and cereals that Annabeth would nick even better than Luke.

She decided, as she squared her shoulders against the roaring in her ears, that perhaps dying wasn't all that bad. She'd die so that Luke and Annabeth could live. And that was all that truly mattered.


When Thalia woke up, it was quite a shock. Being trapped as a tree for years was no fun. All she had to do was sit and listen to nature, and feel the wind through her leaves, and hear people's voices talking to her.

Luke came to talk to her every now and then. Mostly about how he planned to overthrow the gods. It scared her slightly, and she noticed how he always veered the subject away from Annabeth before finally bursting out into a volley of words.

"She'll be proud of me. She'll be a princess, or something. No, that's not her. She'll be my adviser, but she'll have more power than that. She'll get what she deserves, I promise. I told you I would take care of her!" He laughed, but it came out as slightly uncontrolled. Insane, "The poor girl knows nothing of this world. She thinks the gods are cool, she reads those stupid books about them. Her favorite is Athena. She hopes that that goddess will claim her." He snickered, "But no. Athena is a fool. All of the gods are fools. Fools for leaving us here. Don't you agree?"

Percabeth One Shots (Collection 1) {Complete}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant