The Little Merman? (Just Kidding!)

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Once upon a time there was a merman named Percy...

I'm not going to put you through that torture, don't worry. I've come here today to talk about how I'm thinking of making another account for recreational purposes, reading fanfictions and suggesting them to you all and all that, but I'm not sure. I'll tell you if so.

Now, there's also some other things. I hate ending stories. Like, I really hate ending stories. But, The Seven Ways to Say Goodbye is almost done and up. I'm excited to have it through and to be able to go back and read it and edit it since I was rushing through it so much, but it was so much fun to discuss this stuff with Elle (Thalia/Elle/Very Annoying Person/ Whatever you want to call her) and we literally stayed up until 4 a.m. writing that dang fanfiction. I'm sad to see it go.

And yes, this means that the fanfiction is going to be ended soon. But don't fear! I'm not giving up on Percy Jackson fanfictions. As I've said a couple times before, I have an idea for another fanfiction. It's not strictly Percabeth, but does revolve around the wonderful Annabeth Chase. I'm thinking about it, and may try writing out a couple chapters before posting like I did with The Darkest Hearts just so I can see everyone's reaction to it (And yes, that's the reason I didn't continue with The Darkest Hearts. Don't worry, I'm trying to work out the little kinks in it so that maybe you all like the next few chapters of it more). So, that's a thing that's going on in my life. I may give you guys a taste of the plot line in some sneak peaks, some edits maybe, perhaps even a trailer video! But this fanfiction is definitely going to be an ongoing process. There are some things in it, after reading Trials of Apollo, that I realized was kind of aligned with it. Except that it takes place immediately after The Last Olympian and The Prophecy of Seven hasn't come around yet. Also, that there are no mortal gods in it that have to save everyone. In fact, it's a small point actually. But I know some people will accuse me of taking the idea from Uncle Rick and changing it. When, actually, I have had this idea for a while but have never spoken about it. I guess great minds think alike...

Haha! Me and Rick? Alike? Nooooooooo! Not at alllllllll


Anywho, this will be the description of the story. I haven't come up with a title yet, so I'm just going to call it The Annabeth Fic.

No one knew what to do. It was so sudden, and took everyone by surprise. The smartest kids in camp, as well as some of the kindest, The Athenians, were going missing. One by one. Stolen from their beds.

It hit a little close to home for Annabeth, who was spending some time with her dad after the war. She came back to camp, where of course Percy was waiting. But he had no clue what was happening either. And though she was happy to see him, her heart was weighed with the idea that some of her closest friends and siblings were gone.

Walking into her cabin had never seemed so lonely.

When Rachel suddenly decided to stroll into the Dining Pavilion and spew out a prophecy, one that (thankfully) had nothing to do with Percy, everyone knows it has to do with Annabeth. Call it a feeling, or perhaps extreme logic, but no one has any doubt about it. She's the only one that fits the bill...

But, the last line weighs on her. Both her and Percy, actually. Percy, who got up the guts to kiss her, who finally can call her his girlfriend, might lose her. Forever, this time.

Follow Annabeth as she travels to find her siblings. To go against the prophecy and survive this quest. And to finally prove what she is worth. The only problem? Well, it seems some old friends have decided to come for a little visit. And they most certainly aren't welcome.

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