Chapter Nine

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I still can't believe I won't see mom and dad for another three days. What if he's lying to me? But why would he?

"You can ask if you don't believe me." he says, answering my thoughts.

I shake my head No. "I believe you." I half lie.

"So, what should I suppose to do now?" I don't know if I am asking him or asking myself.

"Come with me?" he offers. I can't decline now. I literally have no other choices and it wouldn't be safe to stay here anyway.

"Okay." I finally say and follow him. We stay for almost half an hour to find a cab to take us to Hilton. It takes us more than an hour to reach the Hilton. It's really big and very fine. It should be expensive too. The decoration was perfect. The seats, walls, paintings and everything. I should thank Alex once I enter her room.

"Where's Alex Robinson's room?" he asks for me.

"Oh, are you Nial? She left a message for you." the reception girl gives him a paper.

I come near Nial to read it.

Nial, unfortunately my credit card didn't work. I don't know the reason. Maybe there's something wrong with their machine here. But I will see another hotel. I just wanted to tell you that, and in case Twi didn't find her parents, I'm sorry, I don't have a room now to share with her. I'm sure you will help her though. We will of course meet soon to tell you where I am.
Bye for now

"Oh." I say after I read her message.

Oh my God. Where should I go then? Why did I even come with him? To put myself in this awkward situation?

He looks at me then to the girl.

"Okay. I want two rooms." he says to the girl.

I can't believe he will pay for another room for me. No way he is paying for me. Who is he to pay for me a room? Or he thinks I will pay? I should let him know that I don't have any money.

"Actually, I don't have two rooms available right now." the girl shakes her head in sadness.

"What?" he knots his eyebrows.

"But I still have one available." she says.

"With two beds?" he asks. Why does he ask that? Does he ever expect that I will sleep with him in the same room?

"No, one bed." the girl says, looking at the computer in front of her.

"But it can fit two." she says, looking at me.

"Fine." he shrugs.

In the same bed? What? No way! He should be mad... Wait Twi, he may not even ask you to share him that room. He is joking of course.

I sit on a seat in the reception till he finishes.

"I think you read Alex's message, didn't you?" he says to me.

I look up at him. "I did."
"I will leave. Maybe I will stay in.....well I will search for any place." I literally have nowhere and I am afraid.

"You can share with me the room." he says, carelessly.

"Huh?" so, he is really offering that then? How does he see me?

"As you heard."

"Who are you to even offer that? Of course I am not going to sleep with you in the same room." I stand up and snap.

"It has one bed. So, the same bed." he corrects me, teasing.

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You are talking as if I am trying to create a way to get you with me.. You heard the girl yourself said in front of you that there is no other rooms available honey." he groans. Honey? What?

"Even if. That doesn't mean you offer me to sleep in your room. You should know that I will never accept that." I growl.

"Okay, fine. Do you have any place to go to? Do you know what the time is now? It's 11 evening." he shouts.

"Why are you yelling?" I can tell many people in the reception noticed.

"Because you are acting like a child. It's not a big deal for me. If you want to go with me, you can. If you don't, so don't. It would be even better. I don't like to share a room with anyone specially when they are annoying."

That is too much. He is saying I am acting childishly and annoying. He even said that it will be even better if I leave for God's sake! Well, he will be for sure.

"I don't know why I am wasting my time with someone like you." I yell.

"Fine." he gives me his usual cold look which always makes me crazy but now it makes me embarrassed.

"Okay, go." I say, awkwardly as he is still standing in front of me.

"So, you won't change your mind?" he asks one more time.

"No." I say. As much as I don't need to leave alone like a lost little girl in the dark streets of a new city to me at that time, I in no way will stay with a stranger in a room. It's crazy. I wander how mom and dad's expression would have been.

"As you like." he says and walks away.

I hope I could have told him not to leave at least after he finds me another place to stay in. But why did I make a big deal out of it? The guy wanted to help me from the beginning, regardless of how rude he is to me, he saved my life. I think I am over thinking it, I can say he helped me. I'm sure if he didn't help me, someone else would have..isn't it? But I got mad at him when he just offered to give me a place to stay in temporarily. Oh God, he even wanted to pay me another room. I think I was harsh. The girl said in front of me that there's no other available rooms, he isn't lying. I don't have any money anyway if there was another room. I can ask him for money and after mom and dad arrive, I will make them give him that money back, if they even saved some! How did he save his money though?

Stop thinking. Go and find a place to sleep in Twi.

Outside the hotel, it is freezing. Oh my God. I'm grateful I have his jacket. Thank you Nial, you are sometimes helpful. I still find him so strange though. Maybe because I don't know him at all? I remember when I saw him the first time on the airplane, it seems like years ago.

Oh! I don't believe where I am. Who are these people? What the hell made me come here? I told you dad I wasn't feeling good about traveling.

Tears fall over my cheeks. I keep walking to no where. I'm afraid I go away from Nial, I mean the Hilton and get lost. I wouldn't have anyone in this city if I lost him. At least he might help me. But why I expect so much from him? At least he offered to give me a room.

"Hello beautiful. Why are crying?" I hear a man saying to me in a group of drunk men. They are laughing loudly. I'm terrified. I try to cover my body as much as I can with Nial's jacket. I run away quickly and they laugh louder. Thank God, they don't follow me. I realize that they were standing in front of a bar. I cry even more. I am sure I'm not gonna forget this accident in my entire life. It's the second time, I receive harassment till now. Who knows what I will face tonight!

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