Chapter Nineteen

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I spent most of the time talking to Jace about his girlfriend and her family. I didn't talk to Kyle again or see him.

“I'm so sad that the party ended quickly.” Jace tells me.

“Thank you. I had a good time with you.” I smile slightly.

“Me too. I hope I see you again.”

“Oh, sure. I've your number. After I buy a new phone, we can text and arrange to see each other. I still want to see Chloe.” I say.

“Oh, yeah. Sure. I'm sure you will enjoy each other.” he smiles.

“Me too.” we stop by my room. Well, me and Kyle's room....Kyle's room. My subconscious rolls her eyes to me. 

“Bye.” he says before he leaves.

I knock on the door but no one answers. My God. Isn't he inside? I have to wait for him then.

After 15 minutes, I hear Kyle's laughter from the hallway. I run to the end of the hall to find him laughing with that girl. Oh!

“Twi? What do you want?” he asks when he sees me approaching him. I can't put my eyes off of the girl.

“To get inside.” I say through my teeth.

“Oh, I forgot.” he turns to the girl. “Sorry baby. This chick will annoy us tonight.” he tells her. Annoy us? No way he's bringing her to his room. Is he crazy?

“How will this chick annoy you?” I ask and narrow my eyes at him while we walk to the room.

He doesn't say anything and his girl laughs.

He opens the door and I let them in first. I don't know how he is doing this! I am leaving tomorrow, why does he want to leave a bad mark?

The girl heads to the bathroom and he leans on the small fridge.

“Why is she here?” I ask quietly and lean on the door.

“ guest?”

“When will she leave?” I ask.

“She's staying the night.” he says and opens the fridge for water.

“Staying the what? Why? I mean where will she sleep?”

“On the bed.” he mocks.

“Oh, with you?” my Lord, Twi. Did you think that he's having this room for dwelling? Of course he wants some distraction during his stay with me, the miserable girl. No way I am asking him to help me tomorrow. I'll ask Jace.

“Did you think I would give her the bed and sleep on the floor for example?” he laughs.

“Why not? You offered me to take the bed and you sleep on the floor. Remember?”

“She's not you.” he laughs again. I don't know why he laughs a lot and......

“Wait, are you drunk?”

“Maybe.” he half smiles. “A little.”

“Ah, you were arranging for the night then?” I bit my button lip.

“Are you mad at me?” he blinks.

“No. It's your health.” I shrug.

“I mean about the girl.” he presses his fingers on the top of the fridge.

“No. It's your place.” I say and the girl gets out. She has redone her makeup I can tell.

“Do you need anything before I go?” I ask.

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