Chapter Fifty

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We put our things in our bags. Kyle actually bought everything. Mom and dad should pay him for all that money.

"I don't have many things actually." I smile.

"You're returning back home. To all your stuff and clothes." He blinks. He wants to make me happy. I love him sincerely.

"It was a hard journey. It's more like a fictional story." I close my eyes. "But you know what! I will miss these days." I tried to force myself not to cry but failed. I really want to cry. That happens every time I leave a place or a life I am used to. I'm afraid Kyle may misunderstand me. Definitely I miss my parents so fucking much. But it's a different thing inside of me.

"I understand." He hugs me. I thought he would make fun of me or puzzle. Does he really understand how confused I am! "I will miss these days too. It felt unreal." He stares at me.

"So unreal." I nod. I think nobody will believe my story when I return back and tell it to my friends.

We went to the airport and waited for our plane. Kyle knows my experience with planes was super bad. Last time was my first time to travel by plane. So he tries to comfort me as much as he can. As maybe it's his thousand time to have a flight.

"Try to think if we really had another accident." He chuckles.

"It's not funny you silly." I punch him.

"It is. We will have another adventure." He hugs me tightly. For a moment I smiled. I will miss living with him alone. I will miss waking up to his face. I will miss sharing him all his little details. I love him as fuck. Maybe one of the reasons why I will really miss here is because I will miss living with him. I really used to fear the day I will leave him. The day I will stop seeing him everyday. Thanks God he wants to marry me. I know very well that my parents will not be okay with it. I'm still young but at least I know he loves me.

"Kyle, just don't leave me." I tell him before the plane takes off.

We arrived in Washington. I can't describe how I feel actually. I'm too nervous but feel like home. Oh I miss this place so much.

"You're too happy already." Kyle says while pulling our two bags.

"And nervous." I add.

"Yeah." He nods to himself. "Do you know where your home is? Or still too young to know?" He teases me.

"For the first time, I will be your leader." I roll my eyes in arrogance.

"Let's see." He smirks.

We took a cap. I kept looking from the window remembering many memories. It seems like I have left here for ages. I'm afraid I don't know why. Afraid from many things. All I want to focus now is that I will see my parents and make sure they are okay. Oh I miss their hug so much.

We reached my home. Yes, it's the same as I left it. It seems like this house did all that so we never leave it alone. Believe me I didn't wanna leave you from the beginning.

Kyle paid for our ride and I stood watching the house from the outside. Will I find my parents inside? I'm so nervous.

I knocked on the door. Kyle stood away watching me. He waved to me as if to take this step alone and he will wait for me outside. Maybe he's afraid from my parents' reaction. Actually I won't have the energy to explain to them how I am here with this guy alone now.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Twy?" My grandma's mouth drops open.

I knew this would happen. My tears were so fast. I ran to her. I hugged her so tightly. I miss her. I miss her voice. I miss her hug.

I'm afraid to ask her about mom and dad. But somehow I felt they are safe. Why would my grandma be here if they weren't here with her.

Without me asking. She nodded at me as if knowing my thoughts. She closed the door after me. I didn't tell her that Kyle is outside. He can wait.

My mom appeared. Thanks God.

I ran to her. She was already crying.

"I thought I would never see you again." She sobs.

Me too mom me too. I hope no one ever experience this. It's awful. You feel lost and dead. You feel that you could lose your family forever. But my happiness now is overwhelming that I just wanna cry in their hugs.

"Where's dad?" I ask between my sobs.

"He's fine. He just left two days ago and said he won't come back until he finds you." She cries. "I thought he came with you."

"No." I shake my head.

"How did you come then?"

"I came with a guy." I'm so nervous to tell her. "Actually this guy saved me. I owe him my life." I hope she likes him. Please mom please.

"And he left?" She's more serious now.

"No he never left me. He helped me with-"

"I mean now. Where's he?" She cuts me off.

"He is outside. He didn't want to-"

Mom didn't even wait until I finish. She opens the door to search for him. What will she do with him? No mom please. I saw Kyle hiding behind a tree. Me seeing him like that made me want to laugh but it's not the right moment.

"Why didn't you ask him to come in?" Mom yells at me.


"Are you really asking me why?" Mom turns to me. "We owe him our lives too. At least we should thank him."

Oh thanks God. For awhile I thought mom was searching for him to kill him or something. I have the best mom in the world. Thank you mom.

Lovies stay tuned.
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