Chapter Forty

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I decide to go home. I've nowhere else. Really God damn you Kyle. God please help me.

"Hey girl." I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around. It's Emma.

"Oh." I smile. "Good night." I say. Should I ask her to go home with her? Oh my God. No way.

"Is your home around?" She narrows her eyes.

I don't have a home. I wanted to say.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Okay I can give you a ride. My home is just three blocks from here but I'm too lazy to go everyday without my car." She covers her smile by her hand. She's so sweet.

"No, thank you. I'm fine. I actually like walking. But thank you though." I give her a lovely smile.

"As you like girl." She shakes her head and pats my shoulder before she leaves.

I'm so afraid now. I want mom and dad so much now. They would have never let me stay with a stranger. Dad and mom were so protective. They would call me thousands of time if I just hung out with my friends. I hope they're fine.

Still Kyle wouldn't leave my mind. Please God make me forget him. I shouldn't put so much hope in him. He doesn't love me. I thought for a moment that he might have some feelings for me but after he did that today, I made sure he doesn't care about me. He cared about his ego more. He didn't even take me with him. I hate him.

The streets are becoming darker and I'm becoming more afraid. Jack wouldn't do anything to me. Stop thinking like that Twy. He has so many other girl to even notice you. But even staying in his place isn't reasonable. He would want to kick me out. Not exactly kick me out but he would wonder why I didn't leave with Kyle. Whatever, I have nowhere now. Jack's place is better than the streets.

"Hey gorgeous." I hear a man voice near me. I start to half walk half run.

"What's your name?" The voice becomes nearer. Oh my God. I don't want even to look around. His voice indicates that he's drunk. Oh my Lord. I start running.

Beep beep beep

I look at my right to see this car beeping. I notice Kyle in this car but I can't even stop running. This dumbass may take me and run away.

"Kyle." I scream.

I stop running since the stranger's foot steps disappeared. I turn around and see Kyle holding the guy from his collar. The guy seems very scared. I run back towards them.

"Kyle. It's fine." I hold Kyle's arm to stop him from hurting the guy. I'm afraid he might do something to him and get in trouble because of me.

"Get into my car." He gives me the keys.

"I'm not leaving you." I tell him. "Please Kyle." I beg him.

"Leave me big ass." The guy spits trying to release himself.

"One more word and you're dead." Kyle's voice is full of anger.

"Please Kyle." I yell at him when he doesn't listen to me.

"I said get into the car." He finally looks at me.

"I'm not." I clench my jaw. Kyle throws the guy to the ground. The guy falls on the ground but stands up quickly and runs.

"Can't believe what I have just seen." I shake my head. How could he be so scaring like that!

"What did this bastard do?" He asks. Still he's full of anger.

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