chapter 1: First day / edited

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Daisy's POV:

It's the first day of school, hell no. I actually considered killing myself this morning, just so I wouldn't have to go through the pain of getting out of my bed. My morning routine takes hours so waking up early is necessary, but God do I wish I had gone to bed a little earlier yesterday.

I wait for Jamie to pick me up, and she honks when she arrives. "Hey hey, slept well?" The brunette asks when I get inside the car. I send her a death glare and close my seatbelt. "Just drive." I groan.

"I really don't want to go to school." I mumble when we're halfway there." "I don't think anyone wants to go to school." "Yeah but I like really don't want to go." I say in an exaggerated manner. Jamie grins and shakes her head. "Yeah, me neither. I heard there's a new teacher. Lovato or something?" She says, but it comes out more as a question.

"Oh, our mentor?" I ask, looking up from my phone that I had gotten out of my pocket. "Yeah, that one. I can't remember if it's a man or a woman." I shrug and look back at my phone. "I heard they give us like three subjects our something." "Thee? They better not be a prick."

Jamie parks her car In the school parking lot and we make our way inside the school. We greet some mutual friends as we walk down the hallway. "Now that I'm back I realize that I actually kind of missed this." Jamie confesses as we walk upto my locker first.

"What the hell, are you okay?" She chuckles at my disrespect for her confession. "Why are we friends." I mumble under my breath. "Didn't you? Seeing all these new people and being able to gossip about all these new boys and girls." "Yeah, no." I say, stuffing books into my locker. "I absolutely did not miss any of this."

"Oh my god!" An high-pitched scream sounds through the hallway our lockers are in. Our two friends run upto us. "I missed you guys!" Madison yells while slamming her arms around me. "Oh my god I missed you too!" I say, kind of taken back by the sudden hug. "How was your summer!" Chloe yells excited, also hugging me tightly.

We catch up and tell each other about our summers and suddenly the bell that announces that our first period is starting sounds throught the school-building. If you listen closely you could hear the entire school sigh collectively. "So, have you guys seen our new mentor yet?" "No, but I heard she's cool. She gave classes at my sister's old school." We nod and walk upto the classroom.

"Our first 3 classes are introduction right?" I ask Jamie as we walk up the stairs. "I think so. She better be nice. I don't want to spend 3 hours with an old asshole." Jamie chuckles and near the classroom. "Well, here's to our first class of our last year!" Chloe says as we walk into the classroom.

"Hi girls! I'm Miss Lovato. Take a seat." A short woman with long brown locks falling down her shoulders gives, not trying to be cheesy, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. It instantly makes a smile appear on my own lips. I look at my friends to see if they all feel the way I do but they seem to shake the appearance of Miss Lovato off in the matter of a second as they take a seat.

I, being the emberrassing person I am, don't watch where I'm going and bump my shoulder against Miss Lovato's shoulder. "Oh shit- sorry." I mumble. She grins and puts one of her hands on my shoulder. "Already pushing me around I see." I can't help but grin and a very apparant blush shows up on my cheeks. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, take a seat."

I quickly sit down next to Jamie who luckily doesn't notice how flushed I am. This woman is incredibly intimidating, and I haven't even begun about how stunning she is. I need to force my gaze away from the short teacher and focus on my friends.

The class gets fuller by the minute and it seems like a pretty chill class so far. A couple of annoying boys and bitchy girls here and there but everyone seems to get along. Miss Lovato confidently stands in front of the class, waiting for everyone to quiet down and pay attention.

Miss Lovato (Demi Lovato fanfiction) - editing!Where stories live. Discover now