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(a/n: i have some special chapters that will be extra long, the chapter title will be in all caps and they will include demi's pov. she will only have her pov in these chapters cause i don't want to switch perspectives too much but i thought it'd be fun to have a little look at demi's thoughts and actions.)

(demi's point of view)

Well, that was unexpected. I walk away from the coffeeshop with a dumb grin on my face.

I've noticed Daisy being nervous and shy around me ever since school has started, and I didn't think much of it until maybe two weeks ago. She could barely look me in the eyes, and whenever she did she'd go red in a second. I feel like as a teacher, that happens quite often. Kids often put you on a pedestal, and I just figured Daisy was doing the same.

That was until I started finding out about her and Olivia. I immediately noticed how they were getting along well, and even without my gay-dar I could tell stuff was happening between them. I thought it was super cute, but I know just how unavailable Olivia can be when it comes to personal relationships.

I met Olivia cause she was the first student to come to the study group. Taking on that class was some extra task I took on to work on some grading outside of regular classes. And I also enjoy helping the kids out when they're struggling with something.

She was quiet and stubborn, and wouldn't really let me help her. She'd be sitting in the corner of the study hall and just work on her own. I normally let everyone just do their thing, as long as they show up, I'm fine with it. She'd have her headphones on, would be either reading or typing on her laptop, and left right when class was over.

After a few times, I noticed her looking around more, and I felt the urge to ask her if she needed anything. After a few times, she opened herself up and she told me all about what she'd been struggling with.

That girl is one of the smartest students at our school, and she puts a lot of pressure on herself. So do her parents. They really just wanted her to attend the study group so she has more work to do. She's already top of pretty much every class she's in, and is very sociable. She probably has scholarship after scholarship lining up for her when she graduates.

She's also very charming, but selective on who she invites to be in her personal circle. I really felt like she welcomed me into her personal struggles that day, and we've formed a really strong bond the following classes. She told me it really bothers her that her parents put so much on her shoulders. They never tell her they're proud of her, and nothing's ever good enough for them. She's an only child, so all the attention goes to her.

When Daisy told me about how she'd been failing Geography, I knew Olivia would be perfect to help her out. This way, Olivia would have something genuinely stimulating to work on during study hall, that wasn't her own work and Daisy would have some extra patience and help while she bumps up her grade for Geography.

I saw them starting to become closer and closer and I thought they were going pretty steady until Daisy announced that she wouldn't be attending any more of the study group classes. And after poking around, she revealed the reason why. I could already tell that she wasn't fully straight, but this was just another confirmation for me.

And obviously after that, I started to notice more and more about Daisy. When she gave me my birthday gift, I felt something melt inside of me. And I finally started to realise, that maybe it wasn't just nerves and shyness. Maybe she was starting to feel something more for me. Some of the pieces of the puzzle just fell into place.

I follow my instincts, I am a full-grown adult who is in charge of mostly underage teens, and it's my responsibility to keep them safe. Even thinking about something romantic happening between me and my students, is a red flag to me.

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