Chapter 18: Bull. Shit. / edited

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I walk up to Demi after class. Normally I'd be going to study hall now, but I've decided it's better if I stop going. 

I felt like things between me and Olivia were getting a bit too intense. I felt myself getting a little too into it, and I'm pretty sure she felt the same. We've been texting a bit, and I can tell she's trying to keep her distance as well. It's like alcohol makes us magnetic towards each other. 

"Demi, can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask, and she looks up from her laptop. "Yeah, of course." She starts packing up her stuff while the last two students leave the classroom.

"I just wanted to let you know that I won't be joining the study group anymore." I say, feeling a little guilty when I see Demi's surprised face afterwards.

"Oh, really? Why not?" "It's just not really convenient anymore, sadly." "Oh okay. That's a bummer Daisy, I thought it was really working for you. And you and Olivia get along well right? Or did something happen?"

I immediately think back to last Friday. The hickeys in my neck disappeared fairly quickly, but I had to pack them with some make-up for a couple of days. 

I look at my feet and suppress a chuckle. "Uh, well. We're still good. That's not the main reason-" "Oh, something did happen? Is that why?" She says, turning in her chair towards me and raising an eyebrow playfully.  "No, definitely not. That's not-" I try to save myself from the situation.

 "Bull. Shit." She says, laughing. "I can see it in your face. Spill."

My mouth drops and I start laughing. "You're being so nosy, you're a teacher, remember?" "Yeah, and I want to know all the gossip. So enlighten me please." I sigh and consider telling her.

"If you don't want to tell me, I could always ask Olivia. I'm sure she'll want to tell me all about it." "No, no, I'll tell you." I say, knowing she's probably right. Plus, I don't want Liv to think I quit the group because if her. Which is true, but she just doesn't have to know.

"Okay, if you really want to know.." I start, hoping she'll blow it off. But she crosses her arms and looks at me eagerly. "Go on.." She says, grinning. 

I sigh. "Okay, we had a thing at some parties the past few weeks, and we both don't want it to become a serious thing because of.. reasons. So I just think it's better-" She squeals excitedly. "That's so adorable. I totally thought you guys were acting a little different around each other lately."

I shake my head. "It's nothing, we both don't want anything serious, okay." I say, easing her excitement. "Why not, you guys get along well, right?" "I just can't really be bothered with having my head up in the clouds the upcoming months. And she doesn't want that either. And that's all the gossip I'm gonna give you." I say, crossing my arms in front of me.

She laughs and gets up from her chair. "Alright, secret's safe with me." "Thanks." We start walking out the classroom. "If you need some help with anything in the future, you know where to find us, alright?" She says. I nod my head. "Thanks." "Alright see you tomorrow sweetheart." 

I swoon and turn around. I grin at the floor while I head out.


for everyone not enjoying the Olivia and Daisy interactions, it'll be done for a while from now on. I really don't want Olivia to be portrayed as a villain, so I hope you guys have liked her character so far. this is a short one, my apologies! comment & vote!!!

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