Chapter 33: Sweet Dreams ;) / edited

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[a/n: lowercased is Daisy, correct punctuation and the - in front of the message is Demi.]

saw this at goodwill this morning and it made me think of you 

I send Demi a picture of a cheesy coffee mug that says something along the lines of: World's Most Annoying Dad

- ??? 

- Is this a hint that you've had enough of me?

it might be more about the age gap

-  Oof, too soon too soon.

i'm sorry, easy joke. 

but no worries, i didn't get it for you

- Would've been pretty funny though. 

if i ever come across another dumb mug i'll think of you, alright?

- I think it's my turn with the gift-giving though.

you've been enough of a gift to me <333

- I can only read that sarcastically, so I'll take it that way

hey maybe i was being serious

- You? Being serious? 

i'm crazy serious. ask me anything. 

- Are you sure about that?

try me

I don't know what I get myself into by sending that text.

- Alright, I can ask you any single thing?

quick, before i change my mind

- When did your crush on me start?

easy. i was certain about my crush on u as soon as i walked out of the very first class you gave me. cause you winked at me and i almost fainted

- Hahaha, adorable

my turn

- When did this turn into an interview, I was questioning your seriousness, right?

how can i know you are being 100% serious and honest then???

- Alright, test me then.


were you leaning in to kiss me the night in new york when i drank too much outside of that club?

- Gosh, that feels like ages ago already. 

- Yes. For a split second there was a moment where I was actually thinking of kissing you, but luckily your vomit-smell was off-putting enough for me to come to my senses and not kiss you, potentially in front of other students or my colleagues.

- And honestly, I had had some drinks by then as well, so I wasn't as bright as I usually am. 

so you wouldn't have kissed me if you hadn't had some drinks?

- You also reeked of vomit, puke-girl. Plus, it's my turn to ask a question now. 

alright alright, shoot.

- Hmm

- Alright, I don't think you're gonna like this one though.

cant wait

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