Chapter 30: All clear, thanks. / edited

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- Hi, I think we need to talk.

I've been looking at the text the entire weekend. She sent it the morning after we got home. I knew something was going to happen, but I was just very much hoping for it to take a positive turn. But I guess Demi realised that what happened might've gone too far. 

I didn't reply to her all weekend, hoping she'd maybe forget about it, but now it's Monday morning and I woke up the following text. 

- Any chance you could come in a little earlier today so we can chat?

So, about 45 minutes later I'm standing in front of the school, nerves raging through my body. It's another 30 minutes before classes start, so it's fairly quiet in school. I walk up to the classroom and with every step I feel my hands start to shake more and more. 

I see Demi sitting at her desk through the window when I arrive at the door to the classroom. I take one last deep breath and open the door. She looks up and smiles when she sees me. "Hi Daisy, good morning." "Morning."

The small talk is excruciatingly awkward, since we both know there's more to talk about. "So, I think we need to talk about what happened last week." She says, and I can tell she's a little nervous as well. 

"Yeah, I guess so." We're seated next to each other at her desk. "I think it's safe to say that we're a little closer than the usual student and teacher type of bond. You and Jamie trusted me with stuff that obviously has made our connection more personal." I nod and listen. 

"And I think you and I are both aware that there's been some tension between us lately. And I have not been dealing with this professionally and correctly, and I think it's not the right thing to do and I think we need to end any of it before it gets more serious." An absolute smack in the face, even though I knew this was coming. 

I'm more hurt than I had expected. "So, you're saying you feel some type of way about me?" I ask, playing dumb. She raises her eyebrows and there's a small grin on her face that fades quickly when she realises I'm not smiling about this. 

"C'mon." She says, but I frown and fold my arms in front of me. "You really want me to elaborate?" I nod. "Alright, I know you have been having some type of feelings towards me for the past weeks, if not months. And lately I've realised this and I may have taken advantage of it by giving you false hope." Another smack in the face. 

"So you have no feelings towards me whatsoever?" I ask, not caring that my tone is pointed. "I mean-" She starts chuckling in desperation. "What do you want me to say?" I shrug again. "I'm trying to handle this professionally, I can get fired and even arrested for whatever this was-" "No, I asked you if you have absolutely no feelings towards me." 

She raises her eyebrows again and there's a slight eye-roll. "Daisy, I'm not going to disclose anything, cause as I tried to explain to you, I could get thrown into jail for this situation. I think you're a very bright and smart person that can figure out that I, who has initiated this conversation, would not have done this if none of my feelings were involved. I think it's kind of disrespectful of you to make me admit that." 

I scoff. "Disrespectful of me? My feelings are involved as well, you just said that. We've never ever touched on this subject before, I had no idea what you truly thought about me before this conversation. And you're just cutting it all of before I can even reflect on any of it." 

Demi looks a little stunned but is quick to reply. "I think the way you're reacting right now, is because you're angry or disappointed, and I get that but I can't help you with any of that cause I want to distance myself from any of this before it gets out of hand." 

"Okay, so basically right now you're admitting to me that you had feelings for me as well, but you don't want to deal with any of it so fuck the friendship between us as well." She sighs in defeat. "We're hitting a wall here Daisy, I'm telling you that I think it's inappropriate that we're even having this conversation and that I don't feel comfortable leading you on. I thought you'd be more understanding." 

I get up from the chair I'm sitting in. 

"You're giving me a shitload of information and then immediately want to end the conversation with me having to be understanding of everything, I think it's disrespectful of you to expect that from me, and I wish you would've been more considerate." 

She also gets up from her chair. 

"You have never been vocal about your feelings towards me either Daisy, it's not all up to me to bring that up. The only thing I wanted out of this, is for us to be clear about the fact that nothing's ever gonna happen between us and that I want you to know that." 

I nod and grab my bag from the ground. "All clear, thanks." I mumble and I stomp out of the classroom. "Daisy, c'mon, it doesn't have to-" I close the classroom door behind me and angrily make my way outside. 

I didn't expect any of that, and I didn't realise I had so much anger in my system that I needed to air out. I walk a lap around the school to cool down and when I near the school, I spot Olivia smoking near the back of the building. I make my way over to her. 

"Can I have one?" I ask and she starts laughing. "Sure, if you promise to tell me what's up." She says as she hands me a cigarette. "It's one giant shit show that I can't get into yet, not sober anyway." 

"Friend problems?" I shrug. "Girl problems?" "I guess so, I don't even know what you can call it but it really sucks right now." "Wanna skip first period and talk about it? " She's serious. "Yes, I would really like that actually." 

I know Demi won't write me down for not being there in her class. If anything, I have a very good reasoning for my absence and she knows it. 


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the girls are fightingggg

Miss Lovato (Demi Lovato fanfiction) - editing!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ