Chapter 46

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'Jamie, we're home!' I yell while I close the door behind me. Jade takes her coat off and gives it to me, so I can put it on the coat hanger.

'I'm working!' I hear from upstairs. Oh, she's mad.

Jade grabs her pencils and papers and starts drawing. I sit down next to her and start drawing with her.

'What are you gonna draw baby?' I ask while I draw a couple circles and hearts. 'I'm gonna draw you on stage, singing really beautiful, and me next to the old grandpa and sitting on Demi's lap'.

I laugh and ruffle her hair. 'That was really special by the way, you're probably going to be on TV next week!' I say. Jade smiles. 'Really?!' 'Yep'.

'Aw mommy! I colored outside the lines again..'.

'But why wouldn't you? Why would you color inside of the lines, when you have a whole paper in front of you? If you color outside the lines, your drawing will get more unique and beautiful than it already is'.

'But Miss Hart told us that you have to color inside of the lines for a good grade'.

'Yeah, but how does Miss Hart look?'. Jade makes a dirty face. 'Old and grey right?' I say while sticking out my tongue and making a dirty face too. Jade nods.

'And you know, the people who drew outside the lines are really colorful. Look at Demi, she has blue hair! And she probably never drew inside the lines'.

Jade smiles and colors the rest of her drawing.

'I'm going to be just as colorful as Demi momma!' She makes like 93846 drawings and I get bored. I sit down on the couch and unlock my phone. I open twitter and I'm close to having a heart attack when I see my mentions. My mentions are blowing up. I've gained like 20k followers since this morning.




I grin and open Demi's page.

- @ddlovato: had some ice cream with @DaisyMatt_ & her EXTREMELY cute daughter. see you next week xo

I smile and retweet it. My mentions blow up again, but it's annoying me so I just lock my phone and turn on the TV.


'Hey Dais' Jamie says when she walks in. 'Hey babe'. 'Had fun?'.

She sits down next to me and wraps her arm around me. I face her and she places her lips on mine before pushing me down on the couch so I'm laying on it.

I try to focus on the kiss, but the kiss feels weird. It's like I'm trying to find something, something that only Demi has.

Jamie sits up and runs her hands trough her hair.

'Do you still have feelings for Demi?' I groan and sit up.

'Jamie. It's okay that you are having a hard time with the whole Demi-thing but it seems like you're worrying about it more than I am. If you don't trust me, then I don't think we're meant to be in a relationship. You've been acting crazy and jealous lately and it hurts'.

Jamie rolls her eyes and gets up from the couch 'It's not that I don't trust you, it's because you'd pick Demi over me anytime. It's always been like that and that's just so ungrateful. We've known for more than 10 years and still I always forgive you. You fucking stay in my house!'

'Well maybe you just gotta stop worrying about it so much, just give me some time to comperhend everything'

'And in the mean time she steals you away from me. She's gorgeous, and everybody, including you, knows that. She can get whoever she wants and that scares me okay? Jade likes Demi more than me, so maybe it's a sign'.

'What do you mean, you're kicking me out?'

'No, I'm not kic-'

'Mommy, mommy, look what I made!' Jade runs into the room and Jamie drops herself on the couch.

'Not now sweety' 'No momma, look!' She holds up a drawing of us. Me on the left, Jade in the middle.. And Demi on the right.

Jamie grabs the drawing and makes a wad of it. Jade pouts and tears form in the corner of her eye.

'JAMIE, Don't act like a god damn child! She's 4 why the hell would you do that?' Jade starts sobbing and hides her face into the fabric of my waistcoat.

'See, this is why I don't trust her. It's because you still love her, and you still want to be with her'.

'So you think a 4-year old is always right? Why are you believing everything she's saying. I don't know if you noticed but Jade is like in love with everything Demi does. She likes to talk about her, and draw her. That doesn't mean that Demi and are in love again'.

'Stop fighting!' Jade yells. Jamie lashes out to Jade but I protect Jade by holding my arms around her tightly.

'Touch my daughter, and I'll kill you with my bare hands' I hiss before getting really close to her face.

'I'm leaving now. We're gonna pack our bags and I'll hopefully won't ever have something to do with you again'.

Jamie grabs her arm to stop when I walk away but I roughly pull my out of her grip.

'Don't you dare to touch me'.


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