chapter 7: I might be straight, but I have eyes. / edited

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yo future-me editing and i just read through some of the upcoming chapters and it's so disgustingly bad and i have to rewrite the ENTIRE thing for it to become something good. but it's okay. i'm fine. we're fine. 

"You know, I think it's kinda cute." Jamie and I are seated next to each other in my car, as we drive to my house to do some homework together. "What?" I ask, looking beside me. "You know, your thing for Ms. Lovato. I know you don't like talking about it, but it's been going on for a while now and your embarrassment about it literally pains me. You don't have to worry about it." 

It's quiet for a while. There's music in the background, but the awkward silence is still very present. I take a deep, embarrassed breath. "I wish I could just act normal around her. I want things to be friendly and normal, you know, how you guys feel towards her. I just can't help but feel tense and weird and stupid whenever I see her." "That's cute. And normal." 

I sigh defeatedly. Discomfort is totally taking over my body and I look anywhere but at Jamie. "Okay. Tell me how many girls have a crush on our PE teacher." "Literally every freshman." "Exactly. And he flirts right back. We all know that. But it's completely innocent. It happens so often, and I can bet you that you're not the only one who has had a crush on Ms Lovato. I might be straight, but I have eyes and my eyes can tell that she's gorgeous." I grin.

"But she's a teacher. I feel like such a hormonal 12-year old having a crush on my teacher." I mumble. "She treats the four of us like her friends, and she's a lot more open towards us than most teachers. That's confusing. And that makes it totally understandable to feel for her the way you would for someone your age. Don't beat yourself up." 

I sigh again. "You're doing nothing wrong. It's completely innocent as long as you guys don't like, fall in love and get married and have kids." I chuckle. "Yeah, true." "Plus, she totally notices that you get shy around her and she is one hundred percent teasing you to get a reaction from you." I feel the blood rise to my cheek.

"Saying that only makes me more nervous to act normal around her." "Just saying. You might not be the only one who's feeling things." I shake my head. "That's crazy. She's a professional. She could get fired for literally holding my hand inappropriately. She would never develop feelings for a student." 

It's quiet for a while. "That sounded an awful lot like someone trying to convince herself something." Jamie says, a wicked grin on her face. "Ugh, shut up." We arrive at my house and I pull into a parking-spot. 

"Just try to tease her back. Don't let her win so easily. That's what she wants." We get out of the car and walk towards my front door. "Yeah, thanks." I say, trying to change the subject. I'm glad she told me all of this, and it really does help, but I still want to bury myself alive thinking about how awkward I get around her. 


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