Chapter 10: Call me Demi. / edited

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"Good morning Daisy." Demi says, as I walk into the classroom. Something about Demi is different today. I think she's wearing more make-up. Or her eyes are just extra sultry this morning. I can physically almost not pull away from her gaze. "Morning Ms." 

I sit down next to Jamie and continue to focus on Demi's class. Well, I try. Somehow, it feels like Demi's eyes meet mine way more often than usual, and apart from that, the look in her eyes is insane. It's mischievous and longing, almost. I look around me to see if anyone's noticing, but everyone seems focused on their own work. 

After a while, Demi lets us work on our own and she walks around the classroom to check if everything's going alright. I can hear her footsteps near me and Jamie, and with every clack of her heel, I feel my cheeks get redder and redder. And it gets harder to focus. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I look to my right, Demi's squatted down next to me. "Can you stay after class to discuss something?" She whispers, her breath lingering on my air. It sends a shiver down my body that I desperately try to hide from her. I nod my head, not daring to say anything. I don't think a word would come out; just singular letters in a weird order. 

I look to my left but Jamie doesn't even seem to notice what has just happened. The class is dead-quiet so I'm scared to say anything to her. Besides, Demi's eyes are on me right now and I feel physically trapped in the position I'm in right now. 

What. The. Hell. Is. Happening?!

And sooner or later, the bell rings and everyone gets up. "Bye everyone, don't forget your homework for next class!" Demi says, as everyone gets up to go to their next class. "I'll be out a little later, don't wait for me." I say to Jamie, when she gets up. "Alright, see you later." She says, not questioning anything. As if she's in on it. 

I've grabbed my stuff and walk towards Demi's desk as soon as the last student leaves the classroom. "What did you want to talk about Ms?" Demi gets up and closes the door of the room. The walls seem to close in on me, and the air feels hot. Within seconds, Demi is stood in front of me.

"Call me Demi." She says, her voice silky. "O-okay. Wh-what did you want to talk about, Demi?" "Honey, don't you think I've been noticing? I'm not blind." She says, a grin on her face. She raises her hand and she tucks some hair behind my ear. My heart almost stops in my chest. 

"I-" "At first I thought it was adorable, but then I started seeing a different side from you. And you intrigued me. And I know, it's super wrong. But, I just can't help it." I feel her hand on my cheek, and I almost jump at the touch. "You-you've known, all this time?"

"Yes. And I've been wanting to do this for a while." She closes the space between us and her lips are on mine. She is kissing me. Demi Lovato, my English teacher, who is 24 years old, is kissing me right now. I freeze the first few seconds, but her touch makes me melt and before I even realise, she's wrapped me in her arms completely. 

Her hand has gripped my hair, and is pulling slightly, while her other arm is pulling me closer into an embrace. Her lips are warm and soft, just like I imagined. She smells like cherries and cigarettes, and when I ease into the feeling of our bodies together, Demi's tongue dips into my mouth. 

Demi leads the kiss, deciding precisely how their bodies move and what move is next. Everything is hot. The air is hot, the room is hot, I'm hot and Demi is, definitely, hot. I feel sweat break-out and need to break the kiss for some air. She opens her eyes, and her eyes are just filled with lust. 

"I- I didn't know you were-" "Shut up." She pulls me back into the kiss, and it continues right where it left off. I feel myself getting hotter and hotter, desperately wanting to rip some clothes off, but feeling too nervous to do so. With every second, the kiss deepens, and I start to get hotter and hotter. 

Maybe, maybe, this is starting to feel like a panic attack. Every breath I take, it feels like I'm losing air instead of taking in any. I don't want to part from Demi and push her away, but I'm feeling lightheaded. I can't keep this going much longer, I really need some air..

I roughly push her away from me and fall onto the ground. 

My eyes shoot open and realise where I am. In a pool of my own sweat, sitting up in my own bed, in the dead of night. "Oh my fucking god." I whisper to myself, while I rub my eyes. It was a fucking dream. This can't be true.

I look at the clock. 4:08 AM. I groan as my head falls back onto my pillow.

 I'll never be able to look Demi in the eyes again after this.

Miss Lovato (Demi Lovato fanfiction) - editing!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα