Chapter 14: A pretty girl? / edited

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I managed to have Jamie tag along with me to the party, and we're waiting outside of a huge mansion, where we agreed to meet up with Olivia and her friends. I see teens entering the house, and loud music is pumping from the inside. It looks like the typical 'my-parents-aren't-home' party. 

Jamie and I have never been party-people, partly because we don't really like the social hierarchy at our school enough to be invited and partly because we just love sitting on the couch while watching a movie. But, we both agreed that it had been way too long since we went to a party. 

"I need to make out with a cute boy tonight. It's been too long since I had a boy even look in my direction." Jamie says. I chuckle. After a couple minutes Olivia and a bunch of girls round the corner and we walk up to them. When Olivia sees me, she pulls me in for a hug. 

"I brought a friend, this is Jamie." I say, when she pulls back and looks at Jamie. "Hi girl, I'm Olivia." She hugs her as well. "Guys, this is Daisy, from the study group I was talking about. This is her friend Jamie." They greet us and when we're done exchanging names (and forgetting them immediately), we decide to enter the house. 

When the front door opens, we're met with a wave of heat, drunk teens and loud music. Jamie pulls me right into the kitchen to get us a drink. We recognise some people from other classes and make some small talk. 

"I feel so out of place." I have to yell in Jamie's ear to drown out the music. "We'll be fine, come on, let's dance." Jamie pulls me back into the overly crowded living room. We run into some people from our homeroom class, and we chat and dance with them for a while.

It turns out to be a fun night. I have fun with some of the people there, and I like most of the music they're playing. "I'm gonna go get another drink." I yell and Jamie holds up her thumb while continues dancing with a guy she just met. 

I smile and walk up to the kitchen. Not long til she fulfils her wish for the evening. I pour myself another mixed drink and decide to go into the garden for some fresh air. As soon as I step foot out of the house, I spot Olivia smoking outside, on a lounge chair in the back of the garden.

"Hi, I lost you in there." I say, and her face lights up when she sees me. "Hey girl, I was wondering where you guys went. Where's your friend?" "Jamie's inside, pretty sure she's making out with a boy right about now." I say, chuckling. 

She offers me a drag from her cigarette and I hesitate. "I've never smoked." I admit. She takes it back. "Don't even start then." She says, before taking another drag. "Have you been a smoker for long?" She shrugs. "I do it mostly at parties. Or when I'm stressed. My parents can never find out, they'd kill me." 

Olivia is super pretty. As much as it is a turn-off for people, I have a weakness for smokers, maybe partly because I've never done it before. Apart from that, something about her just sparks some interest in me. 

"What are you looking at?" She asks, a smirk on her face. I didn't notice I had been quite literally checking her out. The alcohol is fogging up my mind a little. "Sorry, I got distracted." I take some big swigs from the cup in my hand. 

"Don't you want to go make out with a pretty boy inside?" She asks, while she looks at the crowded living room through the glass windows. "No, thank you." I say, a little disgust in my voice. "And a pretty girl?" I almost choke. 

It's not that I'm embarrassed of my sexuality. It's more that it's just an unspoken thing in my life. Jamie knows, because she's like a sister. And I'm pretty sure my mom has a clue. But other than that, I don't really talk to anyone about me being queer. 

High school brings a lot of pressure, and I don't like to be the center of attention. I don't think everyone knowing that I'm into girls, would benefit that very much. 

"Uh- I- I mean," I start stuttering. She raises her eyebrows, waiting for a response. Still with a grin on her face. "I mean- yeah, M-" She starts laughing. "Nothing to worry about honey." She says. I release a breath I'd been holding and chug my drink. 

"Can you tell?" I ask, the nerves and the alcohol coursing through my body now. She gets up from the chair and stands in front of me. "I just asked you a question, you were the one who gave it away." She says. "Wanna get another drink?" She asks. I nod and follow her into the kitchen. 

The rest of the night becomes a little blurry. We have some more drinks, and spend the entire rest of the night together. I don't see much of Jamie, but I do catch her dancing with a guy that she had been eye-ing all night. 

"How are you feeling?" Olivia asks, while we're dancing with some of her friends. "I feel amazing. You?" "I'm a little hot, wanna go out for some fresh air?" I nod and she grabs my hand. She pulls me into the hall and we go outside through the front door. 

She wipes some sweat from her forehead and lights a cigarette. "Wow, my ears are ringing." I say. The music is so loud, but I only notice once we're outside. Olivia sits down on the front steps of the house, and I join her. 

She once again offers me her cigarette, and this time I take it. She chuckles. I take a small drag and, to my surprise, don't hate it. "You are probably the first person I've seen that doesn't cough when they smoke for the first time." She says, as I hand her back her cigarette. 

"I don't think it's for me, though." I say. "Good for you." She says. She looks at me with a grin on her face. We sit like this for a while, and her grin continues. 

"What?" I ask. "Nothing. Just looking." She says. I raise my brows. She finally looks away and I can't help but grin. I feel the same kind of tension in my underbelly when I look at Demi. 

"Wanna go back inside?" She asks after a moment of silence. I nod and we get up to go inside. Right before we go to open the door, she grabs my hand and pulls me closer to her. Before I know what's happening she puts her hand on my cheek and brings my lips as close to hers as she can. 

And then I kiss her. 

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