Chapter 48

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I wake up by the sun, glowing into my eyes. I open my eyes and blink a couple times to get used to the light.

I realise that I'm still on the couch. I look around and catch Demi sitting in the lounge chair, with Jade on her lap.

Demi is braiding Jade's hair, while Jade watches Spongebob.

I sit up and Demi faces me. 'Moring sleepyhead' she says. Jade also turns around.

'Mommy, we went to starbuckets and got you a drink'. I grin. 'You went to starbuckets?'I ask joking while Demi hands me a starbucks bag. She smirks.

'And Demi gave me a pink drink!' she holds a cup with a pink kind of tea with icecubes up. I raise my eyebrows.

'Really? Did you thank Demi?' Theh both nod. 'She got her polite habbits from mommy'.

I smirk. 'Well, I'm sure as heck that she didn't get them from James'. She snickers and sips her coffee.

'Where's the shower?' I ask after finishing my coffee. 'I'll walk with you'.

We go upstairs and she shows me the bathroom. It's huge. Like, really huge. I look around with a smile. 'It's beautiful'. I walk to my room after a while, to get towels and shampoo.

I'm just about to open the door, when someone grabs my waist and softly presses me against the wall. Demi connects her lips with mine and pulls my waist closer to her, so I'm arching my back. 

I smile into the kiss, and pull away when I need oxygen. 'I gotta shower'. She presses two sweet kisses on my cheek when we hear giggles from the top of the stairs. 

We see a giggling Jade, peaking from under a step.  'Mommy is in love, mommy is in love..' Jade starts singing, whiny. 

Demi smirks and softly starts singing with her. I kink my eyebrow and can't help but chuckle. Jade pops up between us. I lift her up and she continues to sing.

'Stop it' I say, pouting. Jade giggles. 'Sorry mama'. I smile and ruffle her hair. 

 'Well, this probably looks very cute, but I gotta shower. Demi, can you pleaaaase dress Jade up?' I ask, pouting.

She nods and puckers her lips. I peck them and hand Jade to her. Jade wraps her little arms around Demi's neck. I smile and open the bathroomdoor. 

I undress myself, and avoid the mirrors that are basically everywhere. I haven't seen myself naked for nearly 2 years. My attempt ruined my body. I disgust myself. I turn the shower on and wait for a normal temperature and then get under it. 

I wash my hair and body, turn off the shower and wrap my body into the towel. It's hard to get dressed here, since mirrors cover the whole bathroom. I almost have to close my eyes, but I manage to get dressed without looking at myself. 

It's kind of an annoying habbit, but I'm used to it. 

I get out of the bathroom and go downstairs with my laptop and phone. Jade's coloring at the dinner table and Demi's on the phone. 

'No, I'm not going to the studio. I'm stressed, tired and I am really busy with my home-situation kind of thing right now'.

I sit down next to Jade and look at her drawing. It's a drawing of a white cat, so I guess she's drawing Cat. 

I open my laptop and turn it on. 'I'm not going! Bye'. Demi sits down at the table and runs her hands over her face. 'Jesus, I hate my management sometimes'. 

'I'm sorry Dems' 'Why are you sorry?' 'Well, the home-situation kind of thing was about us right?' 'Yeah, but I didn't mean it in a negative way'. I nod and open Google Chrome. 'What are you going to do?' Demi asks, looking at my screen. 'I'm going to search for an hotel'. 

'You can stay here if you want to?' 'I don't know if I'm ready to live with you again Demi. Like, I don't want to sound bitchy, but I need time'. Demi nods. 'I understand'. I scroll trough some pages. 'I guess this one is okay'. 

Demi looks up from her phone. 'Yeah, it's okay..' I'm about the press the information page when Demi softly gasps. 'I have something, and you will probably love it'. I raise my eyebrows. 'What is it?' 'An appartment'. 

I nod. 'Okay, where is it?' 'I'll show you, can we leave Jade with the neighbours for just an hour?' 

Jade looks up and pouts. 'No, I want to come with you!' she yells. 'Jade, don't yell' I say. She nods and keeps pouting. 'Sorry baby, but Demi and I are going alone'. 'But I want to go too!' 

I sigh and shake my head in no. 'Jade, I have really sweet neighbours. She's really sweet!' Jade shrugs. 'Okay..'

We get up, get ready to go and then leave the house. I open the cardoor for Jade, and Demi opens the cardoor for me. I smile and sit down. We drive upto an house, near Demi's. She rings the doorbell, and an familiar voice answers the doorbell-phone thing. 

'Hey, it's Demi. Can you babysit for me?' 'Sure, get in'. Demi drives upto the house. Someone opens the door. 

Oh my god, is that Selena Gomez. Demi smirks when she sees my face. I look at Jade and she has a wide smile on her face. 'THAT'S ALEX RUSSO!' Demi laughs loudly and opens her cardoor. We all get out of the car and Jade holds my hand tighly. She does that when she's excited or nervous.

'Hey Dems' she hugs Demi and then looks at me. 'Hey, I'm Daisy, and this is Jade'. Jade looks up and squeezes my hand. Selena bends down and smiles.

'Hey Jade, I'm Selena'. Jade looks up. 'Mommy, isn't she Alex Russo?' Jade whispers. Selena laughs. 

'Yep, I'm Alex Russo, but my nickname is Selena' she says. 'Oh, okay. Hi Selena'. Selena hugs her and then lifts her up. 

'I can look after her' Selena says. 'Thanks a lot' 'No problem'. We chat for a little while and then get into the car again. 

'Okay, I'm excited, nervous and scared at the same time' I say when Demi starts the car. 

She giggles and starts driving away. I look outside, and slowly start recognizing the neighborhood. She turns left and I slap my hands across my mouth. 

We drive into the street and stop in front of the house. Our house. 


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I'm so sorry for not updating omfg. I have testweek and I really want to pass my tests. My birthday is in 4 days too, and I'm going to France in 12 days. I'm going to France for 3 weeks, which means no update for 3 weeks :( (I can't bring my phone or laptop, so that's why). I'm going to update before I go to France tho. Well, I hope y'all liked this chapter, because I think it's shitty byyyeeee.

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