Chapter 12: Sweetheart / edited

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"I got a D-." I say, as I lower my phone from my face in disappointment. My mom looks away from the TV. "Oh, that's not very good honey. Do you know what went wrong? Didn't study enough?" I shrug. "I studied like I normally do, I just- The stuff is so uninteresting to me, I forget it as soon as I read it. Plus, the Geography teacher hates my guts, I wouldn't be surprised if he grades me worse than the others." 

"I'm sure he doesn't do that." My mom says, trying to console me. "Maybe you can ask for a retake, isn't your homeroom teacher really nice? Maybe she can work something out for you." "I doubt it. And I doubt Dem- I mean, Ms Lovato can say anything to him to make him give me a second chance." 

I get up from the couch and go to grab my jacket. "It'll be alright, I'm sure you'll be fine at the end of the year. You're doing so well in your other classes. Maybe try to talk some sense into your teacher next class." I shrug again. "I'll do my best."

"Alright mom, I gotta go. Love you, bye!" "Bye hon, see you tonight!" I walk out of the house and up to the car. It's early and frosty, winter is really kicking in and it's honestly, super depressing. I love winter right as it starts, but after a few weeks I need the sun back. 

I'm really bummed about my grade, but it's not like I was expecting anything better. Apart from me not understanding anything Mr Crawford explains to us, I haven't been able to focus on studying lately. Demi's pretty much always on my mind, and it's super distracting. I'm glad my mom's a good sport though, she really sees how hard I'm working and she has faith in me. 

I park at the starbucks near school, and head to class as soon as I have a hot coffee in my hand. The door to the classroom's open but I'm a little early, so I peak around the corner to see if there's anyone there yet. A handful of students are seated throughout the class and Demi's on her phone behind the desk. 

"Good morning Ms" I say, and she looks up. "Hi, Daisy, look at you being early." She smiles. I keep saying this, but I can feel myself melt every time she flashes that smile at me. "Yeah, there was barely any traffic this morning, luckily." 

"How's it going?" She asks, as I settle down. My seat's still right in front of her desk, she hasn't changed our seat plan since we started school. "Hmm, I think I'm gonna fail Geography. Just got a D- on our latest exam." "Oh, really? Have you looked into the test yet? Maybe you can jack up your grade a little by finding some correctional errors." I shake my head. 

The class gets a little fuller by the minute, but everyone's pretty chill so far. "Honestly, I don't think that's gonna save me. I'm just so bad at it." She sits back in her chair and looks at me with pity.

"Sweetheart, I still have that offer for you. I teach the homework club on Thursdays after school. Just swing by, I'll ask Olivia to help you out with some stuff, alright?" She called me sweetheart. I literally swoon and almost start kicking my feet. I'm such a god damn child. "Alright, yeah, that would be helpful." 

She smiles and then starts greeting the last students that enter the classroom. The bell rings and Jamie runs through the doorway, causing Demi to laugh. "I made it!" She exclaims, and Demi high fives her. "I literally woke up like 20 minutes ago." She says out of breath, as she drops herself onto the chair next to me. 

"Did you get your Geography grade?" I ask. She nods. "I passed, for some reason. Got a B. Don't know how I did that, what about you?" "Good for you! I think Mr Crawford is praying on my downfall, I got a D-." She raises her eyebrows. "Damn, guess you did something awful to him in a past life." "Probably."


a/n: these chapters were literally about 200-300 words each, so rewriting them is taking sooo much time. sorry if these chapters are short, but i'm trying to fill them up as much as possible. FORGIVE ME. 

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