Chapter 26: That's cute. / edited

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On Sunday evening, me and Jamie sit beside each other on the couch, both with revisions in our hands. Tomorrow's the first day of midterms and Jamie's first day back at school since the whole thing happened. She's been feeling depressed and embarrassed about the entire situation, and is struggling with going back to the regular routine of things. 

It's around 10 PM when we are going over the last few things before heading to bed, and my phone buzzes. I have to double check if what I'm seeing is actually true. 

- Hey hey, this is Demi. I know it's a little late but I was just wondering if everything's going alright with Jamie and if she's gonna be there tomorrow.

I feel butterflies in my stomach, knowing she thought about texting me. And knowing she also has Jamie's number, but decided to text me. I texted her once after we went to Planned Parenthood, to thank her for dropping us off, but we never texted more afterwards, and I honestly thought she just gave her number as a formality. 

hi, all good here, jamie and i were just going through the last few things for tomorrow, so she'll be there tomorrow. 

I put my phone down and catch Jamie yawning next to me. I chuckle. "Let's go to bed, I think we've done enough." She nods. "Ugh, Dais, gotta admit, I'm a little nervous for tomorrow." She says while we walk up the stairs to go brush our teeth. 

"Of course, but you'll be fine, okay? Even if you do shit at midterms, it'll be good for you to get out of the house and be in that environment again." She nods. "The only thing I'm kind of afraid of is running into Noah, I guess. But even if I do, it's not like he has any idea of what's going on." 

We brush our teeth and continue our conversation in understandable gibberish, with toothpaste in our mouths. "I think it'll start getting easier once you've seen him around a few times. And maybe after a while, when you feel like you can take it on, you can ask him about what happened when you guys had sex, maybe it'll clear some shit up for you as well." She agrees. 

I grab my phone while heading to bed and to my surprise, see another text from Demi. 

- Good to hear, are you ready for tomorrow? 

yes, i'm feeling prtty good. got history and algebra tomorrow, geography's on wednesday so i have some more time to prepare for that one tomorrow

- Feeling good about Geography? Or do you need any help with that.

i've got a tutor on speed dial lol ;) but i'm feeling pretty confident for once! thank god for the study group!!

- Of course haha, really good to hear. 

She starts typing something, but deletes it after a few seconds. I feel like it's up to me to keep the conversation going now. I try to think of something to say but she starts typing again. 

- Will you still be going to the study group after midterms?

i think so yeah

I want to say something else, but I'm scared of it being too forward. Fuck it. 

don't want to miss out on chatting with you the entire study group haha

I immediately lock my phone and put it down beside me. Jamie's already put her phone away and is trying to fall asleep. I turn off the nightlight and wait for my phone to buzz. It takes longer and longer, and my heart starts pumping louder and louder. Maybe that was just too much. 

After a while I accept my fate and I close my eyes to try and fall asleep. Right when I'm starting to doze off, my phone buzzes and my eyes shoot open. I grab my phone.

- I must say, I've started enjoying the study group a lot more since you've joined haha.

I catch myself smiling at my phone like a lunatic, but I honestly don't really care anymore. 

hmm you probably say that to every student so they keep coming back

- I only say that to the students I genuinely want to come back, so you're right. 

- You're the only one so far

I almost throw my phone across the room out of excitement. I kind of want to wake Jamie up to show her what's happening, but I want her to be rested tomorrow. 

it's an honor. you're also pretty much the only reason why i come back to that class anyway - I rethink that sentence, and maybe it's a bit too much. When I got to rewrite it, I accidentally press send and I slap my hand across my mouth. Demi's online so deleting it feels like a lost cause now.

She types something, but deletes it- again. Fuck. I'm convinced she thinks I'm being inappropriate now, and I, again, want to throw my phone around the room.

- That's cute. 

- You gotta go to sleep now though, I don't want to keep you from getting a good night's rest. Sleep well, good luck tomorrow! I'll see you on Thursday!

goodnight, thx!!

I lock my phone and realise I'm actually sweating. That was probably the closest to flirting I've ever gotten with Demi, and the fact that she didn't brush it off makes me feel like she's starting to be onto me. 

The adrenaline that courses through my body keeps me up for at least another hour, but after a while I doze off. Still with a dumb smile on my face. 

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