Chapter 25: I'm back! / edited

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Jamie has not been to school in about a week, and has been slumped back at my house. My mom has called the school, pretending to be Jamie's mother, to tell her she's stuck with a heavy case of the flu.

Because Jamie has been living at my place for a while now, my mom and her have been spending a lot of time together as well. My mom works remote part-time so she's pretty much at home all the time, and Jamie has been helping my mom around the house the past week.

Jamie told my mom about the abortion after a few days, and my mom promised to keep any of Jamie's family members and the school out of it. My mom has been super supportive of Jamie and it definitely has helped her recover from the procedure.

Mom's helping her study for midterms, in an exchange to pay for of the abortion, cause she just really wants to help her out. If she makes it through midterms, she's promised me she'll be joining the trip to New York.

It's Friday now, and this is my first time going back to study group. I decided to surprise Demi with my appearance by not waiting for her to get there but by rushing to the study hall and being there before she arrives.

It's the first thing she sees when she walks in, and her face lights up, making my insides melt.

"What a lovely surprise, seeing you here." She says, when she's settled her stuff on her usual desk in the corner of the room. "I'm back!" I say, a goofy smile on my face. "I'm glad to have you back, I'm gonna go around the rest of students, and I'll be right back with you, okay?" I nod and open my books to try and get some midterm studying in.

After a while, I spot Demi walking over in the corner of my eye. She puts her laptop down next to me and settles down. "No Olivia today, do you know why?"

I think back to last week, and what she told me then. I hesitate telling her the truth, but honestly, Demi knows enough about the whole situation for me to be honest. "Alright, long story, do you have a minute?" She chuckles.

I explain the whole situation to her and when I'm done, she has the cutest little pout on her face. "As much as I loved her presence in this study group, I'm really glad you guys worked this out. I think it's good for the both of you." "Yeah, me too."

"So, how are things going with Jamie?" She asks. "Pretty okay, she's doing a lot better compared to the beginning of this week. And my mom's been helping out a lot. She's told her the whole story and is helping her prepare for midterms and everything." "That's really sweet of her, I'm glad she's still in the game." I nod.

"And how are you doing? Have you been able to recover from the whole situation?" "Yes, definitely. I had a really good talk with Olivia, and it cleared up a lot of stuff, surprisingly. My mom also sat me down for a long talk yesterday, to tell me that she's proud of me for how I handled the situation and that I can always tell her anything that's going on in my life. That really helped a lot as well. I'm also pretty much set for midterms, I have a little studying left but I think I'll be fine."

She smiles proudly. "That's so good to here, Daisy. I was kind of worrying about you the past few days, but I wanted to give you some space this week. I'm glad you've worked it out. Your mom's a gem, you're lucky to have her."

I smile. "Yeah, she's pretty amazing, she's been supportive of pretty much everything I do all my life, I'm really lucky." "That's nice, are your parents still together?" "Well, I have a stepdad that has been my dad since I was born, pretty much. So, he's my dad and he has adopted me too. I've never met or known my birthfather." "Oh, I remember reading something about you wanting to meet your dad one time, the first day of school, right?" I nod.

"Are your parents still together?" I ask. "Well, kind of a similar story. My stepdad raised me and my siblings and he has been an amazing dad. My birthfather is an alcoholic and used to be pretty abusive to my mom, so I don't really see him that often. We go there for father's day and his birthday, but there's no further contact besides that."

We talk through out the entirety of the study group, about our whole life. I learn a lot about Demi, how she was a kid and during college. It made me feel so much younger than her at certain times, but apparently she skipped a grade, hence why she got into teaching this early on in her life.

Even afterwards, we stick around for about an hour, until we have to leave because the school closes.

We walk up to the parking lot where Demi's car is parked and even up until then we're still chatting. "Alright, I'm starving so I'm heading home to eat now. You should do the same. Have a nice weekend honey, I'll see you on Monday." She gives me a hug.

"Bye Demi, thanks for today." She winks at me and gets in her car. I walk away with a smile on my face.

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Miss Lovato (Demi Lovato fanfiction) - editing!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt