Chapter 39

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'ID?' We show our ID's and two security guard thingy's let us in. The music is loud and I smell alcohol.

'Let's get something to drink' Jamie says. I pay for shots and we drink them. After a couple of shots I want to dance. 

I pull Jamie with me and I start to have so much fun. I feel people touching me and I don't even care. 

People give me drinks and without complaining, I drink them. I start t have more and more fun.. 

I see someone taking my hand and leading me to the bathrooms. I'm having so much fun that I'm laughing. 

The person starts kissing me so I assume that it's Demi. I kiss back and giggle into the kiss. It gets more intense and she tries to pull me into the bathroom.

I don't know why, but suddenly someone pulls me away. 

'Hey, hey, hey. Let's get you home' A girl-voice says. I groan. Why? Where's Demi going?

'Whyyyy?' I whine. She grabs my arms and wraps it around her shoulder so I can walk properly. 

We get outside and she sits me down on a bench. 'Where's Demi?' 'At home'.

I laugh. 'No, I was making out with her in the club' 'That wasn't Demi, loser' she says as messes on her phone. I recognize her. It's Jamie.

'Wasn't it? Hahahah' I don't know why I'm laughing, just think that's really funny. 

I lay down on the bench and look up. I see little lights everywhere. 'LOOK!' I point at the sky and laugh at the little sparkles. 

Jamie snickers and is calling someone. 'No, no,no I don't want to go home' I grab the phone out of her hand.

'Byeeeeee' I slur and press some buttons. 'Daisy, you gotta go home'. 

I get mad at her. 'No! I don't want to go home already!' I stand up and try to walk away dramatically but fail hard when I almost trip. 

'You're going home Daisy!' she says while grabbing my waist and pulling me with her. I slap her arm away but fail, again.  

I get my sobriety back really slowly and realise that I have to act normal.

Jamie grabs her phone again and taps on it. 


I look up. It's James.

'Hey James' I slur a little. 

'Hey, I'm her friend. She refuses to listen to me. Are you able to bring someone who can drive her home?' I don't even listen. I just want to have some more fun.

'I can bring her home, Demi's a good friend of mine'. 

I walk upto James and fall into his arms. He laughs and grabs my shoulders so I don't trip. 

'You really want to do that?' He nods and I get more sober each minute. I didn't drink that much. I think.

James opens the car door and lets me in. He sits down in drivers seat and waits with driving until I'm a little more stable.

'Oh jesus' I say while running my hands trough my hair. James grins and slowly starts driving. I'm feeling slightly nauseous. 

We're close to Demi's neighbourhood. We gotta turn left here. 

He doesn't turn left.

'Hey, James. You had to go left here'. He nods and I feel the car speeding up.

'You missed it. We gotta turn around James'. 

'We are turning around, just wait'. I nod and lean against the window. After 2 minutes I get worried. I've never been where we are now.

'James, are you su-' SMACK. I grab my cheek as I feel a burning pain. 'Shut up' he hisses. 

I feel tears burning in my eyes. What is he doing? I get more nauseous, just because I'm so scared of what is happening. 

He starts speeding up even more, untill we arrive at a lost parkinglot kind of thing.

'What are you do-' SMACK. Again, I grab my cheek. 'Please stop hitting me..' I whisper while a tear rolls down my cheek.

'If you shut up, this will be over real quick' He has a mysterious, creepy grin on his face. 

'What do yo-you mean?' I ask nervously. He raises his hand and I squeeze my eyes shut while his hand lands on my cheek again. 

I decide to shut up. I'm trembling and shaking. My heart is racing. I want to go to Demi, to Jamie, to Alexa or Jade, or mom.. or dad. I want to get away from here. 

'Pay attention' James says while grabbing my upperarm roughly. It hurts.

'You know, I'm not gay at all. I've had a huge crush on Demi since I was little. Seeing her with you makes me mad. Do you understand that?'

I nod scared.

'I need her in my life, and I'm sure as hell that she needs me in her life after she finds out that you hooked up with me'.

My eyes widen. 'W-what?'

'Like I said'. His grin grows. 'Hooking up. You probably don't even know what sex is since you're a dyke'.

I hear his zipper go down. No no no no no no.

'It's over really quick if you work with me' he whispers.

'NO! PLEASE!' I yell as he gets closer. 'Shut the fuck up' he grabs my neck and presses his lips againt mine.

I keep my lips straight as he tries to enter his tongue. He roughly pulls my jaw down and his tongue enters.


He pulls away and I hear his zipper close.

I feel disgusting, I feel gross, I feel used, I feel like a whore..

'Demi needs me. You're nothing to her'.

I'm trembling while I attempt to pull down my dress.

'You're worthless'.

I try to ignore him. I really do.

I feel a stinging pain in my area. 'Please bri-bring me h-home'.

'You know, I don't trust you. When you come home, you'll tell Demi what I've done and Demi will defend you and I'll be the bad guy. So, something needs to happen to you'.

My heart starts racing. 'No, please don't do anything, I promise that I won't do anything!'

He shrugs. 'I don't trust you'.

'Please! Please don't hurt me anymore!'I plead.

I see the anger grow in his eyes and he raises his arm. I get ready for another hit in the face but instead his fist lands into my stomach, causing me to gag loudly.

Another fist in my stomach, another one. A fist connects to my jaw, I feel a knee in my face, another punch in the stomach.

My vision gets vaguer, and I see black dots. Slowly, the dots take over my vison and everything gets dark. I don't feel anything, don't see anything, don't hear anyth..


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