Bail me out please

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Aria's POV

I am about to kill the Trio and Ezra. 

The cop ride was ok. All you heard is them blasting music and singing. Ezra started singing also. I gave him the a stern look. Like really is he going to start singing when we about to go to yell for starting a damn food fight. "You guy's hungry?" asked the cop. As he was trying to hand us a cheeseburger from McDonald that cost a dollar. Ezra like a little kid nodded his head. "Well you out of luck you are in those." the other officer said. I heard them laughing like crazy. I started laughing also. Was he really that dumb that he thought they were going to actually get him the food. My hands were starting to hurt because of the damn hand cuffs. Then all of the sudden the police came to a stop.

When we were heading in there were flashes and then we were swamped by paparazzi. I turned to see if there were was someone else like a famous person but there was none. Why were they taking pictures of us. The police did the most they could to get them off of us. But I still then get why they were taking picture of us.

We were told to put our fingerprints and our names. All the girls where drooling when they saw Ezra. I just rolled my eyes. "Don't worry babes i only see you." he whispered in my ear. It made my heart skip a beat. "Can I have pickles?" I asked. That came out of no where. But I was craving for pickles. 

The police officer looked at me in disbelief. "No." said the lady police officer as she was still staring at MY FIANCE. "Can she please have pickles?" asked Ezra. "What is she to you?" asked the police officer who name read Helen Fierce. Well she did seem fierce. I laughed at my own joke. "Is something funny?" she asked. "No Ma'am" I said. "But your face is." I heard Ezra mumble. "What was that." asked Helen. "That can she please have some pickles." He said. "What is she to you." asked the officer. "My pregnant little sister." He said. I swear if I was going to get locked up then it would be for killing him. 

 I didn't get my pickles. So Ezra kissed me in front of her. She had a disgusted look on her face. "She isnt my sister. She is my pregnant little princess. Future wife." He said with a proud look on his face.  We were sent to our cells. To my luck Noel was there and I was sharing a cell with him. Ezra was sharing a cell with some girl that looked like a hooker. Ezra eyes open wide when he saw Noel. 

"Miss me?" he asked with a smirk. I couldn't believe I was going to share a cell with this sick bastard. "Where's your owner?" I asked. "Well, as you can see I'm a victim." He said as he pointed to wound where he got shot. "Well to bad she didn't shoot you right there or else your bloodline would have stopped" I said as i pointed down there. "but on second thought it seems like you don't have one." I said. I heard the other cell mates laugh. "Burn!" I heard one yell. Noel turned bright red. His eyes darkened. It seemed like he was going to hit me. But didn't have the balls to do it.  

"You can make one phone call. " said Helen. But who was I going to call. I took the kids phone. Mike. I dialed his number. On the third ring he picked up. "Hello?" He said. "Mike its Aria I'm in  jail can you please bail me out." I said. "You are where!?" he nearly yelled. "Im in jail bail me out please." I asked. "I'm in Rosewood. I Just got here and I will be able to be back tomorrow call Peter." He said then he hanged up.  He hanged up on me. "Time's up." Helen said. "Your turn hot stuff." Helen said as she still eyed Ezra. Did she not get the memo. "I'll invite you to the wedding." I said with a smile. Ezra just laughed. Helen rolled her eyes and let Ezra call. "Call Peter." I told him. He nodded and dialed his number.

"Hey it Ezra can you please bail me and Aria of jail." "Its a long story." "Ok thanks. Bring pickles" he said and hanged up. "What he say?" I asked. "Well he laughed first but he said he would be in 20 minutes he has to go get the pickles." he said I laughed he hasn't forgotten about my pickles. 

20 minutes later

They were taking to long. Good thing I wasn't in Noel's cell. I was transferred to Ezra cell. Why was Mike in Rosewood? Did something happen? Man someone has to bail me out asap. Then I saw Peter with Harley. Harley started laughing out loud. "I always thought that one of you had to bail me out not the other way around." she said as tears where now spilling out. "Well we can't bail you out because we are minors so guess who we called." she said as she gave Ezra a devious look. She must have done something. "NO please not her." Ezra whined. "DING DING DING. We... Well I called aunt Esther." she said with a smile. "You know how much fun of me she going to make." he said as he pouted. I couldn't stop but burst out loud laughing. "But she had to do something but she would be here in about 10 minutes.

"Well now who is this cutie. She must be yours." We heard Noel say referring to Harley. "Don't you dare talk to her." I heard Ezra say through gritted teeth. "Who this?" Harley asked. Peter pulled her closer to him like trying to protect her from him. "Well darling I'm your mother's friend." he said with a smile. "Harley I need you to go we will see how we going to get out. But know i love you." I said. Harley was refusing but  Peter pushed her out of there.  I send dagger look to Noel. 

"Well hello brother thought I would see you in under circumstances." she said as the guard opened the door. Ezra ignored her. I hugged her and whispered a thanks. We were free. We signed some paper and where heading out. Since Peter was gone we had to ride back with Esther. We saw the paparazzi again. I had to know why they where taking pictures of us. Esther handed us some shades to protect us from the flashes. I couldn't see what car we got in. It seems like a limo. 

When we took off the sunglasses there where two people there. "Oh hell no." I heard Ezra say. "well hello to you to son." I heard the man say. 

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