Wedding Bells but not for me

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Aria's POV 

Today was the day the day I actually will get married. I was excited to actually going through with this. My bump by now is huge. It was a miracle that I actually fitted in my wedding dress. All my friends were here. This day is going to be the best day of my life. I then was overcome by nausea I rushed to bathroom and berly making it to the bathroom. Hanna was going off her mind when she me puking. You might wonder why and it was because apparently I was ruining the make up that took nearly an hour to  do. Yet she was more concern about my make then how I was feeling.

"Hanna stop fussing you are making her more nervous." Spencer said as she handed me a hand towel so I can wipe my face. Emily gave me a piece of gum. Which I thank her for. I took my phone out of my bag to check where Harley was at with my boutique. I had left it home because I was super nervous and also because Hanna was dragging my ass out of the house. I sent her with Peter like 2 hours ago. They should have been here. 

When I turned on my phone I saw I had a message. 'Its probably Ezra.' I thought to my self. Then that when I saw that It was from a blocked number. And there was a picture with Harley tied up with today newspaper. Then I scrolled down to see the text message. "I know when you open this because it will let me know. And for every hour it takes you to get her a sweet little finger will get chopped off. So leave him standing in the alter and you get her back. Your life for hers. If you mention any of this to Ezra she will die. Have fun little bitch or should I say big bitch." I was shocked. I put on some joggers and a long sleeve shirt and took off to save my little girl. 

I drove to the warehouse that the unknown caller had gave me. This is the moment I knew you one of us wasn't coming out alive. 

Ezra's POV

Today was the day that I was finally going to marry the love of my life. I put on the last touchings things on my tux. My best man was Hardy since I have known him since basically my whole life. Peter had brought Harley here because Aria forgot her boutique because Hanna was dragging her out of the house. But he said he would come back. 

After a while that they ha left he texted me that he couldn't make it that he had a family emergency but that he has dropped off Harley with her Mom. I replied that it was okay and that I hoped everything was fine. "Let's go or else you will be late for your wedding said Toby as he opened the front door. I nodded and bolted out I was so excited. 

The car ride felt like it was the longest one since ever. It was probably that because I was super excited and nervous. Once we got the church the priest had just arrived and everyone was making there way to the church. I went in and stand by the alter. 

The song you know the one they put when the bride is about to come started playing. I knew this was it. This was the moment I was going to be a married man and I was happy. Then the doors open. She started walking down the aisle her baby bump made her more gorgeous. She had a veil on so I could quite clearly see her face. A tear was able to escape from my eye.

When she got to the alter the priest had started. "Do you Ja..." said the preach but Aria started coughing like crazy that I couldn't hear what the preach was saying. "Take Ezra Fitzgerald to be your beloved husband." finished the priest. "I do." she said. Her voice sounded a bit weird but its probably cause she was trying to hold her morning sickness in. These couple of days it has been really bad. "Do you Ezra take Ja." then aria started coughing again. "To be your beloved wife." he continued. " I do." I said "By the power invested I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss your bride." said the Priest. 

This was going to be our first kiss as husband and wife. "She lifted her veil a little bit enough for me to see her lips then I leaned and kissed her. But the kiss felt different. Then everyone started clapping. But all of the sudden they stopped. I pulled out to see why they stop. Or was it because time flew by really fast. I looked around to see why then my eyes turned to see my wife. But there was one problem it wasn't Aria. It was Jackie. I had gotten married to Jackie. 

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