Bridal Shower

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Aria's POV

I have one week until I am officially Mrs. Fitz  I was super excited I couldn't contain my joy. Today is my  bridal shower and lets just say im kinda scared of what it might be. Lets just say that when Spencer had her bridal shower we ended up in church handcuffed to the door. And worst the church was abandon so we got found in the night the next day. I dont even know how we got hand cuffs. 

"So who excited for Aria's bridal shower." Yelled Hanna. "Sucks you cant drink." said Spencer. "Well that no props we will have the real bridal shower after the baby is born. Today is just for show." I hanged my mouth open. Here i thought i was lucky that we weren't actually going to end up handcuffed somewhere. "Well go get dressed you will love where im taking you." hanna said with a smirk. 

I went to my room and got some leggings a white t shirt by bump was a little noticeable but not really. Then Hanna bursted into my room. "Oh Hell nah you aint wearing that." she said with a sassy attitude. Then she threw a dress at me and pushed me to the bathroom. 

Once i put the dressed on I looked different. I felt beautiful. "Hurry up we going to be late."  yelled Hanna. "ok ok Im coming." I said as I walked out of the bathroom I grabbed a jacket and put on some black heels. 

We were out the door when Ezra stop me

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We were out the door when Ezra stop me. "You aint going out like that." He said. "Why what is wrong with it." asked Emily. "Its to short." he replied. "Don't worry she will be fine and if you want to see what happens at the bridal shower add me on snapchat." Hanna said then we left. Once we got to the car my eyes where blind folded. I didn't complain. I heard my phone rang. I was about to answer it until Hanna got to it fast. "Ezra stop calling. Just check snapchat." she said then hunged up. I still had the blind fold on. 

After an hour or so we stopped. She took the blind fold off the place looked familiar but I couldnt but it on the spot. When we got in loud music was playing. There was a stage and we went to the vip area where it was really closed to the stage. "Montgomery." said Hanna. The security guard nodded his head and lets us in. Allison wasn't able to come because her back was hurting we told her we could stay and wait until she was better but she said it was fine to just come. 

The girls order tequila and I just ordered a Pepsi.  "Welcome to Xquisite. Where we make your fantasy come true." the guy said. Hanna was already a little bit of tipsy and started yelling. She was hyped up. "Well here is our first one the finest one out of all." he said then he moved. Then I saw him and I knew where I was. 

I was a strip show. With Magic Mike A.K.A Channing Tatum. I started yelling I started to get hyped up. Hanna had her phone out I guess recording. Then they took out a chair and he picked me and sat me down on the chair out of nowhere more guys where coming out then they started lap dancing. At first I was so scared but then I got into it. Cmon these guys are smokin hot. Then the guys put three more chairs and Spencer, Hanna, and Emily where sat down also. 

Hanna gave her phone to the guy that introduced them and he was putting all this in the snap chat. Hanna was all in. She was definitely drunk. It was so fun I actually enjoyed this. 

Ezra's POV

Aria had left to her bridal shower so us guys were stuck watching the kids. Mike and Alison had gone up to there room. We were all watching a movie when I heard Harley phone playing some music. Caleb went to Harley's phone and took it from her and he started watching the video also. I guess she was in snap chat. "What." said Caleb. We all gave them confused looks then Harley went to hook her phone up to the T.V the little kids were all knocked out asleep. The video showed Aria being dragged to a chair well she was carried then some guys started to lap dance on her. She looked scared at first but then she started to dance with them. The boys bursted out laughing to see the reaction I had made. But then Spencer, Hanna, and Emily where also carried up there the phone was gaven to some other guy and then the girls started dancing also. I laughed to see the face of reaction of the three boys. 

I grabbed my keys. "Who is coming." I asked. "ME." They all said. We were almost out the door when Harley stopped us. "What about us kids." She said. "They are asleep you can....." Toby started but was interrupted by the crying of his daughter. Then the other kids started to wake up. Great. "You were saying." said Tristan. "Look we will give each of you guys each $100 if you take care of the kids." said Jason. 

They nodded there head when we were about to step out again we were stopped by Emma (Jason daughter) " I'm hungry." she said with her drowsy voice. "Give us some money and I will tell Peter to stop by McDonald to buy us food." said Harley. We gave them $200 because they eat a lot. "Peter isn't allowed upstairs until we come back so no funny business." I told her with a stern look. She nodded her head. Then we finally took off. 

Toby was able to track Spencer's phone down with the gps tracking he installed on her phone. Which she doesn't know about. When we got there we tried to get in but the security guard stopped us. "No guys allowed." he said. Dang then we were going to have to wait. "We are the new strippers and we don't know where to get in." I heard Jason say. The security nodded and told us to go through the door to the left and we got in. "Put these on." said some guy as he shoved us into a dressing room. 

They were Santa pants. When we were done we were put on to the stage. The girls were blind folded. I went to Aria and the other boys went to there loved ones sat on there lap and took off the blind fold. The looked horrified. I bit Aria's ear and whispered. "If you wanted to have a lap dance you could had just told me. " Aria looked at me with red cheeks. 

After a couple of hours we were able to go home. We each got payed $200 even though we were not strippers. When we got home the kids were already asleep and Harley was laid down with Peter asleep on the couch. We went upstairs to sleep because we were really tired.  This has been the best night. Can't wait to share more with Aria. Future Mrs. Fitz 

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