January 25

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Aria's POV

I was tired and kinda drowsy from all the medicine they have been giving. I was about to fall asleep when I heard yelling. "What the hell you mean I can't see her she is my fiance." I knew well who's voice that was. It was Ezra's. How did he find me. Harley was asleep on the couch with Peter suit jacket. She looked so peaceful. Peter was sitting on the couch. Harley was using him as a pillow. It was adorable. Peter looked me knowing that it was Ezra. 

Then Ezra bargained in not giving a damn about anything. "Thank goodness you are ok." I heard Ezra sigh as he came close to me and hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled. "How did you find me?" I asked. "How did I find you. You see I am a super genius who has telepathic power and knew you were here. He said. I smiled and laughed. "Now move." I heard Ethan say as he pushed Ezra out of the way and come hug me. Then Tristan later Mason. Ezra stumbled at first but was able to catch his balance. I gave them a stern look and Ezra gave them a stern look also.  

We were all talking and Harley had woken up. We had explained what had happened to Ezra he was furious. But I saw guilty in his eyes. Why was he feeling guilty? "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked. I'm just feel guilty that I wasn't there to defend you." He said. As a tear was able to slip from his eye. "Picture if Harley hadn't got there in time we could have lost the baby or you." He said as he held my hand like it was the last time. "Don't you mean babies." I said as I grabbed his hand and put it on my swollen bump that was growing. I saw a huge smile form on his eyes. The trio looked at me like I have grown another head. 

"Are you serious?" He asked. "Yes." I said. I saw his eyes twinkle. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. He started dancing around which was kinda funny. We all bursted out laughing. "Oh and you three are still going tomorrow." I said to the Trio. They had a horrified look on there face. "Ezra make sure they get on the bus their things are all ready. And if I find out that they didn't get on the bus. May god help you." I threatened Ezra. His smile disappeared and horrified one came on. 

"So when will we get married?" asked Ezra. "Well today is Christmas so what about January 25?" I asked. "Perfect." he said as he gave me a peck on the lips. "Ok we have to get everything ready and we need to get Hanna here ASAP." said Harley as she stood up from the sofa clapping her hands. We all started laughing. 



Well this was a really short chapter but I just want you guys to know the story will be ending soon. But I will continue one of each of the liars and the quad kids. 

Lots of love.-xoxo-J

Ezra and AriaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon