Oh Hell no

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Ezra's Dad

Aria's POV

"Well hello to you to son." a man said. 

He looked familiar  but I couldn't put a name to the face. Well he was Ezra dad. Wait he is Ezra's dad. Great first time I meet them is when they bail me out jail. Ester was there starring out side trying to not make contact with Ezra heating glaze. "Hi I am Mathew Fitzgerald." he said as streched out his hand. I shook it. " I'm Aria Montgomery." I said. "Why does your name sound so familiar?" I asked. Ezra gave him a look and Mathew just shook it off. " I am one of the richest man in the world. Mosted feared in better terms." he said. Then it hit me. His face was always in those rich magazines that always talked about them.

Then my phone went off. I saw that it was a number I didn't know. "Hey mom." Tristan said. How was he able to get a phone. "how were you able to find a phone." I said. Ezra was looking at me in concern. "Well you see there is a thing called a landline." He said. "It took us a while to figure out how to use this." I heard Ethan. "Where's Mason?" I asked. "Who is Mason" I heard Mathew ask. "One of my kids." I heard Ezra. Mathew looked confused. "Well he probably passed out in the sofa." Tristan said. "Tristan I swear if there was a party you are going to die twice." I said through gritted teeth. He hanged up on me.

Once I got home the place was a complete wreck.  Great. Nice way to meet the grandpa. "WHAT THE HELL!" I heard Harley yell. "Let me guess she wasn't invited." I heard Esther whispered. "TRIO GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!!!" I yelled when I got into the leaving room. I saw Ethan and Tristan. But where was Mason. "Where is Mason." I said sweetly as I could. I was beyond pissed. "Where is the party at sweetheart." he said as he came with a beer bottle and walking funny. Now I was mad. Mason had always been the good one. He came close to me and put his finger on my mouth. "Don't tell mom." he whispered. Ezra looked pissed. "I got him." Ezra said as he got it.

 "which one is yours." I heard Mathew ask Ezra. "All four." He said. Mathew looked shock. "Who this guy." I heard Ethan speak. "Your grandpa." Esther said excitedly. They all looked at him and shock except Peter. "How are you Mr. Montenegro?" Mathew asked. By now Ezra took Mason to the Bathroom and Esther went to help. "How do you guys know each other?" asked Harley. "Well don't you know Montenegro is one of the most important families in the world also wealthiest." Mathew told us. "I need some air." I heard Harley whispered. I would have also been mad he basically lied to her for almost 4 months. "Harley." Peter said. "Just leave me alone." she replied and headed to her favorite spot of the house. 

"You two are in so much trouble that I have the perfect punishment." I said. With a huge smile. Christmas is tomorrow and they have to go back to school in three weeks. Perfect. I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

Phone Conversation:  Aria               Other person

Boys boot camp how may I help you

Umm yes I would like to sign up three of my kids.

Yeah just fax me there papers and a bus will pick them up after Christmas.

Ok thanks do they need anything

no just themselves we will provide them with everything but just letting you know ahead of time they will have their shaves off and for how long would you like to send them for?

Ok and that would be perfect and about 3 weeks.

alright well that is it and for each child it would cost $500 because they will keep their clothes and they will sleep in dorms.

sure just tell me where to wire it and i will do it.

See them in two days goodbye 



"Well it settle they will pick you up in two days." I said with a huge smile. "Where are we going to go?" asked Ethan with a shaky voice. He was scared. "You will see. And now pick up this damn mess before Mike comes home." I said. They were scared of Mike most. They started picking everything up so I took Mathew  to the kitchen. I had Ezra's sweater on and then Mathew looked at me in shock. "I didn't know you were expecting." he said. "Yeah I am about 3 months in." I said as I started rubbing my small bump. 

"Would you like something to drink." I asked Mathew. "No thanks." he said. Well now this was awkward I didn't even know he was in the city. By the look of Ezra he didn't either. But why was he here? A lot of question were starting to pop in my head. "The girl looks a lot like my wife." He said breaking the silence. "Harley?" I asked. He nodded his head. "She wasn't able to come because she had prepare for Winter Formal party which all of you guys are invite for tomorrow night. "I would be delighted to." I said. I really wanted to go to one of those parties. After I had the quad I was never able to go because I had to take care of them. Which I was happy yo do but sometime I just wanted to give up. It is hard to raise a child alone. The single ladies make it look easy but to hell it isn't. 

"Where would you delighted to go?" Ezra asked as he came into the kitchen. "To the Winter Formal Party." I said. "Can I please talk to my father alone." Ezra said. I nodded my head and left. I hid behind the door. Did he really think that I wasn't going to listen?

Ezra and Mathew Conversation

What are you doing here

Well I came to see you

Thats bullshit and we both know it. 

I being honest, and when i get here I found out you have kids and more expecting Harley is very beautiful 

You will not do the same thing that you did to Lily father, she will do what ever she wants

Well thats the same thing that Lily said now look where she at

Yea she is 6ft under us because you were so selfish that she had to. Why couldn't you just let her be happy.

But I approve of Harley's choice. But if something else comes up I will force her.

And I won't hesitate to put you next to Lily. 

End of conversation 

The talk was quite scary. Who was Lily and what did he do to her. So many questions started popping in my head. I was brought back when I heard footsteps. I ran upstairs. I took a long bath. And drifted off to sleep. It had been a long day and it was already night and Mason had woken up and they were still waiting to see what was going to happen to them. Tomorrow is Christmas hope its a good one.

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